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发布时间:2018-10-11 18:41
[Abstract]:Under the leadership of Professor Song Xianzhong, the research team for positive social responsibility and environmental accounting is an innovation team with Professor Song Xianzhong, Shen Hongtao, and other associate professors such as Li Wenjing, Rao Pin-gui, Yang Deming, Zhu Tao, Shi level, and other associate professors as the backbone. The research fields and achievements of social responsibility theory, corporate charitable donation, social responsibility and environmental information disclosure, and enterprise environmental performance evaluation have formed a characteristic research field and research results in the field of social responsibility theory, corporate charitable donation, social responsibility and environmental information disclosure, and enterprise environmental performance evaluation. Associate Professor Li Wenjing and Associate Professor Yang Deming were also selected by the Ministry of Finance in 2009 and 2011 for the National academic Accounting leadership (Reserve) Program. Professor Song Xianzhong, the leader of the team, was one of the first scholars to study social responsibility and environmental accounting in China. He is currently a member of the National MPAcc Education steering Committee, a consulting expert on accounting standards of the member of the Accounting Standards Committee of the Ministry of Finance, and an accountant's Association of China.


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