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发布时间:2018-10-12 17:54
【摘要】:现阶段,伴随着商业银行经营范围和规模的深入与扩张,其推出的金融产品也逐渐变得繁杂多样,这在一定程度上提升了商业银行所要承担的风险系数值。特别是,近期我国国内发生了很多的金融案件之后,社会各界将关注的“焦点”已转移到了内部风险的控制上。本文的研究课题为我国商业银行内部风险控制,通过对银行学、管理学、会计学以及一些相关联学科的基础理论知识研究与探讨,在结合国外发达国家银行内部控制的相关成功案例的基础之上,针对我国现阶段商业银行内部控制的实际情况以及存在的众多问题进行深入解析,适时提出了完善商业银行内部控制体系的相关建议和意见,以有效促进其优化升级。 在文章的第一部分,针对选题背景和选题意义了进行了扼要阐述。另一方面,也进一步归纳和总结了本文的总体结构、新的创意点以及漏洞不足。在文章的第二部分,大体论述了银行内部风险控制的相关理论知识,从总体控制到内部控制再细分到银行的内部控制,逐渐深入地对相关理论知识进行介绍,同时也深层次地研究和分析了我国现阶段商业银行内部风险控制的基本结构。在文章的第三部分,介绍浦发洛阳分行现状及存在问题。从浦发洛阳分行内部控制和外部监管的角度,在分析浦发洛阳分行内部风险控制体系的现状的基础上,指出现存不足之处。然后,浦发洛阳分行内部风险控制的国际对比。通过对德国、美国以及英国三国商业银行内部风险控制的实际情况进行介绍和研究,进一步归纳和整理出对于浦发洛阳分行的客观性启示。在文章的第五部分,针对前述浦发洛阳分行内部风险控制及外部监管中存在的不足之处,对完善浦发洛阳分行内部风险控制体系提出相关建议。
[Abstract]:At present, with the deepening and expansion of commercial banks' business scope and scale, their financial products are gradually becoming complex and diverse, which to a certain extent enhances the value of the risk coefficient to be borne by commercial banks. Especially, after a lot of financial cases happened in China recently, the focus of the society has shifted to the control of internal risk. The research topic of this paper is the internal risk control of commercial banks in China, through the research and discussion of the basic theoretical knowledge of banking, management, accounting and some related disciplines. On the basis of the successful cases of foreign developed country banks' internal control, this paper analyzes the actual situation and the existing problems of the commercial banks' internal control in our country. In order to effectively promote the optimization and upgrading of commercial banks, the paper puts forward relevant suggestions and suggestions on how to perfect the internal control system of commercial banks. In the first part of the article, the background and significance of the topic are briefly described. On the other hand, it also summarizes the overall structure of this paper, new creative points and loopholes. In the second part of the article, it discusses the related theory knowledge of bank internal risk control, from total control to internal control to the internal control of bank, and then introduces the relevant theory knowledge deeply. At the same time, it also deeply studies and analyzes the basic structure of internal risk control of commercial banks in our country. In the third part of the article, the present situation and existing problems of Pufa Luoyang Branch are introduced. From the point of view of internal control and external supervision of Pufa Luoyang Branch, this paper analyzes the present situation of the internal risk control system of Pufa Luoyang Branch, and points out the existing deficiencies. Then, Pufa Luoyang branch internal risk control of international comparison. Through the introduction and research on the internal risk control of commercial banks in Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom, the objective enlightenment to Pufa Luoyang Branch is further summarized and sorted out. In the fifth part of the article, aiming at the deficiencies in the internal risk control and external supervision of the above mentioned branch, some suggestions are put forward to improve the internal risk control system of the branch.


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