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发布时间:2018-10-22 09:12
【摘要】:2008年金融危机高潮过后,世界经济特别是国际贸易呈现出一定的复苏迹象,对资金的需求越来越多。国际贸易融资作为一种新兴的融资模式,逐步为企业、银行所关注和接受。经过不断探索,贸易融资业务已经成为商业银行增加客户来源、提升中间业务收入的重要渠道。贸易融资业务与国际结算、外汇资金等业务相辅相承,在国际贸易中具有满足进出口目企业对资金的需求,保障国际贸易顺利进行的功能,同时,对商业银行国际业务发展又具有巨大的推动作用。 本文以建设银行济宁分行的国际贸易融资业务为研究对象,在对国际贸易融资理论综合综述的基础上,运用规范分析法和例证分析法,结合建行济宁分行的具体情况,对目前建行济宁分行国际贸易融资业务的现状,进行了多角度、多层面的分析,并重点讨论了拓展建行济宁分行国际贸易融资业务的现实问题。指出了在当前环境下,作为建行的一个地级市分行的济宁分行拓展国际贸易融资业务的优劣势,以及存在的机会和威胁,目的探探索出条适合建行济宁分行拓展国际贸易融资业务的新观点、新思路和新路径,保障该项业务的持续健康发展。 通过对建行济宁分行国际贸易融资业务整体经营情况的客观分析,笔者在论文最后部分,明确地提出了建行济宁分行拓展国际贸易融资业务策略,即加强国际贸易融资风险防范;积极进行国际贸易融资产品创新及推广;加强营销,扩大客户基础;加大对贸易融资业务的绩效支持,这也是本文的创新点所在。
[Abstract]:After the climax of the financial crisis in 2008, the world economy, especially international trade, showed some signs of recovery, and the demand for capital was increasing. As a new financing mode, international trade financing has gradually been concerned and accepted by enterprises and banks. After continuous exploration, trade financing has become an important channel for commercial banks to increase customer sources and improve intermediate business income. Trade financing is complementary to international settlement and foreign exchange funds. It has the function of satisfying the capital needs of import and export enterprises in international trade and ensuring the smooth progress of international trade. At the same time, Commercial banks to the development of international business has a huge role in promoting. This paper takes the international trade financing business of Jining Branch of China Construction Bank as the research object, on the basis of synthetically summarizing the theory of international trade financing, applies the normative analysis method and the example analysis method, and combines the concrete situation of Jining Branch of China Construction Bank. This paper analyzes the current situation of Jining branch's international trade financing business in China Construction Bank, and discusses the practical problems of expanding the international trade financing business of Jining Branch of China Construction Bank. This paper points out the advantages and disadvantages of Jining Branch, a prefecture-level municipal branch of CCB, in expanding its international trade financing business under the current circumstances, as well as the existing opportunities and threats. Objective to explore a new view, new idea and new way for Jining Branch of CCB to develop international trade financing business, and to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of the business. Based on the objective analysis of the overall operation of Jining Branch's international trade financing business, in the last part of the paper, the author clearly puts forward the strategy of Jining Branch of CCB to expand the international trade financing business. That is, strengthen the risk prevention of international trade financing; actively carry out innovation and promotion of international trade financing products; strengthen marketing, expand the customer base; increase the performance support for trade financing business, which is the innovation of this paper.


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