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发布时间:2018-10-22 20:34
[Abstract]:In recent years, the processing industry of agricultural and sideline products has developed rapidly, but the farming industry in rural areas is still dominated by single-family farming, which has not formed large-scale aquaculture, resulting in a pattern of high input and low output of rural aquaculture. Seriously restricted Shouguang City economic development speed. Based on the theory of financial evaluation, this paper analyzes the financial risk and control of green aquaculture from the background and operating environment of green farming project. In this paper, the background of the project research, the significance of the research and the research status quo of the financial evaluation of the project at home and abroad are described, and the research methods, research framework and content arrangement, as well as the innovation of this paper are explained. Then it analyzes and defines the related concepts of project financial evaluation, and summarizes the contents and methods of project financial evaluation. The calculation formula of financial evaluation index used in this paper is explained emphatically, and the meaning, main idea and operation steps of uncertainty analysis are expounded. Then the investment estimate of Shouguang Zhengzheng green breeding project is given, and the present situation of Shouguang aquaculture industry and the basic situation of green culture are analyzed, with emphasis on the macro and micro running environment of the project. Among them the macro-environment analysis design project market demand and comparative competition analysis. Based on the collection and analysis of project data, the investment estimation, capital source and profit estimate of green farming project are systematically analyzed. The static and dynamic indexes of project financial evaluation are obtained, and then the balance of profit and loss and sensitivity analysis are carried out. On the basis of analyzing the profitability of green farming project, the static financial evaluation index and dynamic financial evaluation index of the project are calculated on the basis of project data collation and analysis. At the same time, the profit and loss balance evaluation and sensitivity analysis of the project are carried out, and the results of the analysis are analyzed and summarized, and suggestions for improving the financial situation of the green farming project are put forward. Based on the above analysis, this paper summarizes the financial evaluation and analysis of Shouguang Zhengzheng green breeding project, and looks forward to the prospect of the project, which is expected to be useful for the prevention of financial and other risks in other projects. Through financial analysis, after income tax financial internal rate of return is 17, financial net present value is 15.2781 million yuan. The financial internal rate of return is higher than the industry benchmark rate of return, indicating that the profitability meets the minimum requirements of the industry, and the financial net present value is all greater than zero. The project is financially acceptable. Through uncertainty analysis, the project has a certain ability to resist risk. Therefore, the project is financially acceptable and economically viable.


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