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发布时间:2018-11-02 12:03
[Abstract]:At present, the capital market represented by the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets is developing rapidly, and the proportion of the related party exchanges in the daily transactions of listed companies is increasing day by day, which is not a problem in the mature market. However, under the current economic system environment in China, due to imperfect relevant laws and regulations, incomplete internal control system and induction of related interests, listed companies manipulate profits through related party transactions. Improper transactions, such as transfer taxes, continue to occur, which impair the legitimate rights and interests of stakeholders and hinder the healthy and orderly development of capital markets. January 4, 2011, The relationship between related parties and major related party transactions ranked fifth in the "Ten areas of risk Certified Public Accountants" published by the China Accounting Society, indicating that they have received more attention. As an important link of related party transaction process, the disclosure of relevant information is of great significance to the protection of the interests of users of financial statements. This article starts with the domestic and foreign literature research on the related party transaction information disclosure, on the basis of the previous research results, elaborated the related concept connotation and the theory foundation of the related party transaction information disclosure. By using the method of normative research and statistical description, the present situation of related party transaction information disclosure (form of disclosure, number of related party transactions, transaction amount, transaction type, associated relationship and pricing method) of listed companies in pharmaceutical industry is summarized and analyzed. At the same time, the case of Zixin Pharmaceutical Industry is taken as a typical case analysis, in order to study the disclosure of related party transactions in the pharmaceutical industry in a more specific and in-depth way. Finally, from three aspects of accounting standards, corporate internal governance structure and external supervision, the author puts forward some countermeasures to improve the disclosure of related party transaction information of listed companies in China.


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