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发布时间:2018-11-05 15:54
【摘要】:我国是一个农业大国,种子在农业的发展中起着至关重要的作用,种子企业的发展直接影响着我国粮食的安全问题。然而,在近二十年间,种子企业的发展困难重重,其中,尤为普遍和突出的问题是资金短缺,融资难已经严重阻碍了我国种子企业的发展。 本文首先分析了我国种子企业的融资现状,指出目前种子企业融资存在内源融资不足,外源融资困难的特点,并且分析了融资难的原因;其次,针对种子企业现行的融资方式及其存在的问题,提出了适合种子企业特点的两种主要融资方式:(1)品种权质押融资模式(2)种子企业+农民专业合作社+种植大户的融资模式;最后,提出了解决种子企业融资困难的相关对策建议。全文共分六章,具体包括: 第一章,导论。主要阐述了论文的研究背景、目的、意义和中小企业融资有关的国内外研究动态。 第二章,企业融资的理论基础。主要介绍了企业融资的两种方式,内源融资和外源融资。 第三章,陕西种子企业融资的现状和问题分析。主要描述了陕西种子企业融资的现状和存在的问题,并从内部和外部两个方面分析了种子企业融资难的原因。 第四章,种子企业融资路径及模式的选择。该部分主要是针对种子企业的资产特点和生产经营特点,,提出了适合种子企业融资的两种融资模式,并分析了两种融资模式的运作特点。 第五章,拓展种子企业融资渠道的对策建议。该部分主要是在相应层面上提出拓展 陕西省种子企业融资渠道的对策建议。包括完善品种权保护和质押方面的法律法规体系;加大对种子企业的财政支持力度:正确引导金融机构对种子企业的信贷支持:完善种子企业信用担保机制:种子企业自身财务制度的完善,信用意识的提高等对策建议。 第六章,结束语
[Abstract]:China is a large agricultural country, the seed plays a vital role in the development of agriculture, the development of seed enterprises directly affects the security of grain in China. However, in the past 20 years, the development of seed enterprises is very difficult, among which, the most common and prominent problem is the shortage of funds, and the difficulty of financing has seriously hindered the development of seed enterprises in our country. Firstly, this paper analyzes the present situation of seed financing in China, points out the characteristics of insufficient endogenous financing and difficulty of exogenous financing, and analyzes the reasons for the difficulty in financing. Secondly, aiming at the current financing methods of seed enterprises and their existing problems, Two main financing methods suitable for the characteristics of seed enterprises are put forward: (1) the financing mode of variety right pledge; (2) the financing mode of large farmers' cooperative planting in seed enterprises; Finally, the paper puts forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions to solve the financing difficulties of seed enterprises. The full text is divided into six chapters, including: chapter one, introduction. This paper mainly describes the research background, purpose, significance and domestic and international research trends related to SME financing. The second chapter, the theory foundation of enterprise financing. This paper mainly introduces two ways of enterprise financing, endogenous financing and exogenous financing. The third chapter, Shaanxi seed enterprise financing present situation and the question analysis. This paper mainly describes the present situation and existing problems of seed financing in Shaanxi Province, and analyzes the reasons for the difficulty in financing seed enterprises from internal and external aspects. The fourth chapter, the seed enterprise financing path and the pattern choice. This part mainly aims at the property characteristics and production and management characteristics of seed enterprises, puts forward two financing modes suitable for seed enterprises' financing, and analyzes the operating characteristics of the two financing modes. The fifth chapter, the development seed enterprise financing channel countermeasure suggestion. This part mainly puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to expand the financing channels of the seed enterprises in Shaanxi Province at the corresponding level. Including perfecting the system of laws and regulations on the protection of variety rights and pledge; Strengthen the financial support to seed enterprises: correctly guide financial institutions to provide credit support to seed enterprises; perfect the credit guarantee mechanism of seed enterprises; improve the financial system of seed enterprises themselves; improve the credit consciousness of seed enterprises and so on. Chapter VI, concluding remarks


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