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发布时间:2018-11-05 17:56
【摘要】:随着近些年来中国银行在基层网点建设上的不断扩张,中行的各种授信业务,资产业务不断下沉,可是中行对于基层网点的内控风险防范却在一些方面存在着不足。近些年,中行发生的一些大案要案几乎都起于基层网点,这说明中行还是需要不断的加强内控建设。本文中作者通过长时间在中行实习的过程,利用仔细的观察和亲身的操作,试图在结合相关银行风险理论的基础上,为中行基层网点的内控建设提出一些可行性高,具有实际价值的意见。 本文首先介绍了中行的发展历程和目前的经营现状,并重点介绍了现阶段中行的发展理念和作者实习网点的基本情况,从宏观和微观两个方面为读者介绍了本文的研究环境和背景,并从理论意义和现实意义的角度说明了本文的创作意义。之后作者从自己的视角出发,总结了中行基层网点所出现的主要内控风险,并将风险归类,加以事实的例子予以阐述。最后,作者结合相关的内控合规理论,从几个方面有针对性的提出了防范内控风险的具体措施,也希望能通过作者的措施切实的帮助一些中行网点提升内控风险防范能力,为中行的健康发展提供的有益的帮助。
[Abstract]:With the expansion of the bank of China in the construction of grass-roots network in recent years, Bank of China's various credit business, asset business is sinking, but Bank of China's internal control risk prevention for grass-roots network in some aspects is insufficient. In recent years, the Bank of China has occurred some major cases almost all started in the grass-roots network, which shows that the Bank of China still needs to strengthen the construction of internal control. In this paper, through the process of practicing in Bank of China for a long time, using careful observation and personal operation, the author tries to put forward some high feasibility for the construction of internal control of Bank of China grass-roots network on the basis of relevant bank risk theory. An opinion of practical value This paper first introduces the development of Bank of China and the current business situation, and focuses on the current development concept of Bank of China and the basic situation of the author's practice network. This paper introduces the research environment and background of this paper from both macro and micro aspects, and explains the significance of this paper from the angle of theoretical and practical significance. Then the author sums up the main internal control risks in the basic branch of Bank of China from his own perspective, classifies the risk and illustrates the example of facts. Finally, the author combines relevant internal control compliance theory, puts forward specific measures to prevent internal control risk from several aspects, and also hopes to help some BOC outlets to enhance the ability of internal control risk prevention through the author's measures. Helpful help for Bank of China's healthy development.


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