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发布时间:2018-11-13 06:36
【摘要】:随着世界经济一体化程度的日益深化,我国企业面对的经营环境也日趋复杂,竞争已不再是企业间的具体竞争,而是价值链与价值链的竞争,要在激烈的市场竞争中生存并壮大,就需要一个更广阔的视野,在提高自身的同时关注外部环境。而投资则是决定企业发展的重要手段,作为企业管理的核心部分,投资的方向决定着企业今后的走向和兴衰。但是投资本身是双刃剑,,在带来收益的同时隐藏着风险,在国外由于一次失败的投资而导致老牌巨头轰然倒下的例子比比皆是。而就我国企业目前的投资行为而言,虽然成效显著,但问题同样突出,无用投资和过度投资等问题比比皆是,在消耗了宝贵的投资的同时并没有起到应有的效果。而价值链理论作为一个不断发展的的庞大理论,其影响力已不仅仅局限于最早的战略管理范畴,其广阔的视角和精密的分析模式可以在投资决策领域发挥很大的作用。因此,本文试图以基于价值链理论的企业投资决策分析方法对目标企业所属价值链进行全方位分析,进而找出影响企业价值获取的薄弱环节、需要持续投入的核心竞争力环节以及大力扶持的潜在盈利环节,并根据此提出有针对性的企业投资决策建议,为企业的决策者在投资决策中提供一个新的视角和思路。 本文基于价值链理论的投资决策分析将从不同于以往传统的、以财务数据为依托的投资分析方法的角度,本着实用原则,利用定性定量双结合的方法,从企业的纵向、内部、横向三个方向的价值链入手,对企业进行精准定位,力求在大环境不断变化的情况下对企业的投资行为给出科学合理的建议。绪论部分主要是为了说明本文的研究思路:首先对选题背景进行概述,指出当前的企业投资决策需要一个更适应时代特征的决策分析方法,然后通过价值链的适用性优势引出研究意义,指出其在企业投资决策中可能发挥的积极作用,再通过对国内外价值链理论研究的代表分支的发展历程的回顾和简要评价,将价值链与企业投资决策理论联系起来,并给出本文的研究思路。从第二章起,则是对价值链相关理论和企业投资决策理论的详细介绍,指出其在具体应用中的优缺点,然后引出基于价值链的投资分析方法这一新型分析方法的必要性,并给出了其切实可行的依据,这些重要理论是本文之后在案例分析中将要用到的重要工具。第三章是是关于实际案例的分析研究,对笔者供职的内蒙古自治区盐业公司具体实际进行介绍。第四章则是通过对公司所处的纵向价值链、内部价值链和横向价值链的详细分析,指出其价值链上的薄弱环节和核心竞争环节的同时给出自己的意见建议,从中探讨基于价值链的企业投资决策方法在企业投资决策中的实际指导意义。第五章是作为结尾章节,对本文研究的成果与不足做了结论,并对这种研究方法的前景做出了展望。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the degree of economic integration in the world, the business environment faced by Chinese enterprises is becoming more and more complex. The competition is no longer the specific competition among enterprises, but the competition between the value chain and the value chain. In order to survive and expand in the fierce market competition, we need a broader vision to improve ourselves and pay attention to the external environment at the same time. Investment is an important means to determine the development of enterprises. As the core part of enterprise management, the direction of investment determines the future trend and rise and fall of enterprises. However, investment itself is a double-edged sword, bringing profit while hiding risks, in foreign countries due to a failure of investment and lead to the collapse of the old tycoons are everywhere. As far as the present investment behavior of Chinese enterprises is concerned, although the results are remarkable, the problems are also prominent, such as useless investment and overinvestment, which have no due effect while consuming valuable investment. Value chain theory, as a huge theory, its influence is not limited to the earliest strategic management, its broad perspective and precise analysis model can play a great role in the field of investment decision-making. Therefore, this paper tries to analyze the value chain of the target enterprise by using the method of enterprise investment decision analysis based on the value chain theory, and then find out the weak link that affects the acquisition of enterprise value. The core competitiveness and the potential profit that need to be continuously invested and supported are put forward, and according to this, some suggestions are put forward to provide a new angle of view and train of thought for the decision makers of enterprises in the investment decisions. In this paper, the investment decision analysis based on the value chain theory will be different from the traditional, financial data based investment analysis method, in line with the practical principle, using the qualitative and quantitative dual combination method, from the vertical, internal, Starting with the value chain of three horizontal directions, this paper makes an accurate positioning of the enterprise, and tries to give scientific and reasonable advice on the investment behavior of the enterprise under the circumstance of constant change of the environment. The introduction part is mainly to explain the research idea of this paper: firstly, the background of the selected topic is summarized, and it is pointed out that the current enterprise investment decision-making needs a decision analysis method that is more suitable for the characteristics of the times. Then through the applicability advantage of the value chain leads to the significance of the research, points out that it may play an active role in the enterprise investment decision-making, and then reviews and briefly evaluates the development course of the representative branches of the value chain theory research at home and abroad. The value chain is connected with the theory of enterprise investment decision, and the research idea of this paper is given. From the second chapter, it introduces the related theory of value chain and the theory of enterprise investment decision in detail, points out its advantages and disadvantages in the concrete application, and then leads to the necessity of the new analysis method based on the value chain. These important theories are important tools to be used in case analysis. The third chapter is about the actual case analysis and research, the author of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region Salt Industry Company specific actual introduction. The fourth chapter analyzes the vertical value chain, the internal value chain and the horizontal value chain in detail, and points out the weak links and core competition links in the value chain. This paper discusses the practical guiding significance of enterprise investment decision based on value chain in enterprise investment decision. The fifth chapter is the end chapter, the research results and shortcomings of this paper are concluded, and the prospect of this research method is prospected.


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