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发布时间:2018-11-21 15:16
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, high-tech enterprises in China have experienced a process of development from appearance to continuous growth, which plays an important role in the market economy, and high-tech enterprises have gradually become the driving force of the rapid economic development of the country. In recent years, the state has issued a series of policies and regulations for high-tech enterprises. The state attaches great importance to the development of high-tech enterprises. The development speed of high-tech enterprises is an important factor affecting the increase of national economic indicators. In the 21st century, high-tech enterprises are playing a more and more important role in promoting technological innovation, transformation of technological achievements and economic growth. The reason lies in the continuous development and expansion of R & D center of high-tech enterprises. R & D center is the birthplace of enterprise's technological innovation, the main body of enterprise's technological innovation, and one of the moulders of enterprise's core competence. Under the condition of fixed R & D personnel and R & D equipment, the enterprise's technological innovation ability mainly depends on R & D investment. How to increase R & D investment, broaden R D financing channels, promote technological innovation and progress, and enhance the core competitiveness of high-tech enterprises is one of the key issues facing the development of high-tech enterprises. This paper chooses Julong Stock Company, a representative high-tech enterprise in the whole country, as the research object. Through the investigation and analysis of the company's R & D financing strategy, this paper points out the main problems in R & D financing strategy and the root causes of the problems, on the basis of drawing lessons from the domestic and foreign excellent enterprises'R & D financing experience. Try to solve the problem of R & D financing related countermeasures, hoping to help the company to improve R & D financing strategy.


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