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发布时间:2018-11-24 13:19
【摘要】:医药制造企业研发活动具有“高投入、高风险、周期长”的特点。长期以来,我国医药制造行业研发投入相对较低,研发能力低下,严重制约了我国医药行业健康发展。探究我国医药制造企业研发投入与企业绩效的关系,对于促进医药制造企业正确认识研发活动,提高研发投入,增强核心竞争力,从而实现医药制造业快速健康发展具有重要意义。 本文运用经济学的一些理论,并在借鉴前人相关研究基础上,通过对相关数据的搜集和实证分析,研究我国医药制造企业研发投入与企业绩效关系。本文采用上市医药制造企业2010-2012年研发投入相关数据及相关财务指标,,选用研发投入费用、研发投入强度、技术人员数量、技术人员投入强度作为衡量企业研发投入的指标,并将企业绩效指标分为盈利性指标和成长性指标,选用营业利润、营业利润率作为盈利性指标,选用营业收入增长率作为成长性指标,构建多元线性回归模型和修正的柯布-道格拉斯(Cobb-Douglas)生产函数模型,通过两种模型以及相对数与绝对数两组数据对研究结果进行相互印证。研究结果表明:医药制造企业研发投入普遍较低;医药制造企业研发费用投入、研发投入强度与企业盈利能力存在显著的正相关性;技术人员投入与企业盈利能力不存在显著的相关性;研发投入与企业成长能力不存在相关关系;企业研发投入效果具有一定的滞后性,且滞后两期的效果更明显。 最后,本文对自身研究存在的不足之处以及未来研究展望进行了简要分析,并在本文研究结论的基础上提出对医药制造企业研发投入的相关建议与看法。
[Abstract]:The R & D activities of pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises are characterized by high investment, high risk and long period. For a long time, the R & D investment and R & D ability of the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in China have been relatively low, which has seriously restricted the healthy development of the pharmaceutical industry in our country. Exploring the relationship between R & D investment and enterprise performance of pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises in China can promote pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises to understand R & D activities correctly, increase R & D investment and enhance core competitiveness. It is of great significance to realize the rapid and healthy development of pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. This paper applies some theories of economics, and on the basis of previous relevant research, through the collection of relevant data and empirical analysis, to study the relationship between R & D investment and enterprise performance of pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises in China. This paper adopts the relevant data and financial indexes of R & D input of listed pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises from 2010 to 2012, and selects R & D investment cost, R & D input intensity, technical personnel quantity and technical personnel input intensity as the indicators to measure R & D investment. And the enterprise performance indicators are divided into profitability index and growth index, choose operating profit, operating profit rate as profitability index, choose business income growth rate as growth index. The multivariate linear regression model and the modified Cobb-Douglas production function model were constructed. The results were verified by two models and two sets of relative and absolute data. The results show that the R & D investment of pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises is generally low, the R & D expenditure, R & D investment intensity and profitability of pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises are significantly positive correlation. There is no significant correlation between the investment of technical personnel and the profitability of the enterprise; there is no correlation between the investment in R & D and the growth ability of the enterprise; the effect of the investment in R & D of the enterprise has a certain lag, and the effect of the two periods of lag is more obvious. Finally, this paper briefly analyzes the shortcomings of its own research and future research prospects, and puts forward some suggestions and views on the R & D investment of pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises on the basis of the research conclusions of this paper.


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