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发布时间:2018-11-26 16:37
【摘要】:进入20世纪90年代以来,国际间交流的不断深入,全球各国间的经济联系越来越紧密,全球化发展不断加深。在经济一体化和自由化发展的影响下,外资银行看到了中国市场的发展机遇,积极投入这个新经济体,寻求新的发展路径。到目前为止,在中国的外资银行发展已经走过了近30年的历程。外资银行发展的同时,各种管理的风险问题也日益突显。近十年的两次金融危机中,金融业面临着前所未有的竞争压力,内部控制体系的漏洞和管理问题日渐突显。那么,外资银行进入中国后的发展过程中面对各式各样的考验,既要解决内部经营的风险控制问题,又要构建适应在中国市场发展的内部控制体系。 本文以IB银行为重点研究对象,采取理论阐述和案例分析相结合的方法,在对外资银行的内部控制与风险管理的情况分析的基础上,结合IB银行自身发展的优势和特点,分析该银行在中国发展的优势和内部控制上凸显的主要问题,从而进一步针对问题提出改善的对策与方案,促进其可持续稳定的发展。 本文共分为五个部分:第一部分是对文章的选题背景及意义,研究内容和结构做简单归纳。第二部分是对银行内部控制和风险管理理论的提出与分析,从而阐述银行业的内部控制与风险管理的相关性。第三部分详细叙述在华外资银行的发展状况及内部控制发展历程。外资银行从开始的起步阶段,到扩张阶段,再到收缩阶段和新阶段,共经历了四个过程,通过对发展过程及现状分析,得出外资银行在发展过程中是如何实现有效的内部控制,并且内部控制与银行的经营是相互关联的。第四部分和第五部分是在前几章基础上,对IB银行进行详细分析研究,总结出该银行在华发展的优势和面临的内部风险管理的问题,最后提出如何改善问题的对策。最后,,总结IB银行在华今后发展的方向与策略,对未来提出展望。 不断的完善外资银行在华发展的内部控制理论,从我国的基本国情出发,结合中国市场经济发展的客观要求,不断的完善和加强IB银行内部控制和风险管理,有效提高该银行的风险控制能力和风险预见性,对银行长远健康的发展能起到至关重要的作用。
[Abstract]:Since the 1990s, with the deepening of international exchanges, the economic ties between countries around the world are becoming closer and closer, and the development of globalization is deepening. Under the influence of economic integration and liberalized development, foreign banks have seen the development opportunity of Chinese market and actively invested in this new economy to seek a new development path. So far, the development of foreign banks in China has gone through nearly 30 years. With the development of foreign banks, the risk of various management is also increasingly prominent. In the two financial crises in the past decade, the financial industry is facing unprecedented competitive pressure, and the loopholes and management problems in the internal control system are becoming increasingly prominent. In the course of the development of foreign banks in China, they are faced with all kinds of tests. They should not only solve the risk control problem of internal management, but also construct an internal control system adapted to the development of Chinese market. This paper takes IB Bank as the key research object, adopts the method of combining the theory exposition and the case analysis, on the basis of analyzing the internal control and risk management of the foreign capital bank, combines the advantages and characteristics of the development of the IB bank itself. This paper analyzes the advantages of the bank's development in China and the main problems in its internal control, so as to put forward further countermeasures and solutions to the problems and promote its sustainable and stable development. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is a simple summary of the background and significance, research content and structure of the article. The second part is to put forward and analyze the theory of bank internal control and risk management, so as to expound the correlation between banking internal control and risk management. The third part describes the development of foreign banks in China and the development of internal control. The foreign banks have experienced four processes from the beginning stage to the expansion stage, then to the contraction stage and the new stage. Through the analysis of the development process and the present situation, it is concluded that how to realize the effective internal control in the development process of the foreign banks. And the internal control and the operation of the bank are interrelated. The fourth part and the fifth part are on the basis of the first few chapters, carries on the detailed analysis to the IB bank, summarizes the development superiority and the internal risk management question which the bank faces in China, finally proposes how to improve the question countermeasure. Finally, the future development direction and strategy of IB Bank in China are summarized. Constantly perfecting the internal control theory of the development of foreign banks in China, proceeding from the basic conditions of our country, combining with the objective requirements of the development of China's market economy, constantly perfecting and strengthening the internal control and risk management of IB banks. It is very important for the bank to improve its risk control ability and risk foresight.


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