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发布时间:2018-12-14 05:22
【摘要】:为了促进农村地区经济的发展,弥补农村金融的空白,,引导民间资本阳光化,2005年上半年中央银行决定在山西、陕西、四川、贵州和内蒙古五省区实行主要由私有资金投资的小额贷款公司试点。2008年5月银监会出台了《关于小额贷款公司试点的指导意见》,为小额贷款公司的建立和发展提供了政策保证。自此,中国小额贷款公司迅速发展,在全国范围内的小额贷款公司数量不断增加,增长速度之迅猛--截至2012年6月末,全国共有小额贷款公司5267家。 小额贷款公司对我国经济的发展起着举足轻重的作用。然而发展中的小额贷款公司面临着一系列的难题,尤其是小额贷款公司的资金来源问题更是日益凸显,资金来源问题几乎是所有小额贷款公司经营者大力呼吁并急切渴望得到解决的问题,为了能让小额贷款公司长远可持续发展,资金来源问题的解决迫在眉睫。本文主要在制度层面和运营层面全面剖析小额贷款公司资金来源的可持续性问题,进一步证实资金来源是制约我国小额贷款公司可持续发展的最大瓶颈之一,在现有理论研究的基础上,借鉴国际上成功实现可持续运营的典范,为我国小额贷款公司的可持续发展提供可持续性资金来源的政策和建议。
[Abstract]:In order to promote the economic development of rural areas, make up the gaps in rural finance, and guide the sunshine of private capital, the Central Bank decided in the first half of 2005 that it would be in Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Sichuan. Five provinces and regions in Guizhou and Inner Mongolia have implemented pilot projects for small loan companies mainly invested by private funds. In May 2008, the Banking Regulatory Commission issued the guidelines on pilot projects for small loan companies. It provides policy guarantee for the establishment and development of microfinance companies. Since then, China's microfinance companies have grown rapidly, with the number of microfinance companies nationwide growing at a rapid rate-there were 5267 microfinance companies nationwide by the end of June 2012. Microfinance companies play an important role in the economic development of our country. However, developing microfinance companies are facing a series of difficult problems, especially the problem of the source of funds for microfinance companies, which is becoming increasingly prominent. The problem of the source of funds is a problem that almost all the operators of microfinance companies strongly appeal to and eager to solve. In order to enable the long-term sustainable development of microfinance companies, it is urgent to solve the problem of the source of funds. This paper mainly analyzes the sustainability of microfinance companies' sources of funds at the institutional and operational levels, and further confirms that the sources of funds are one of the biggest bottlenecks that restrict the sustainable development of microfinance companies in China. On the basis of the existing theoretical research, this paper draws lessons from the models of successful sustainable operation in the world, and provides the policies and suggestions for the sustainable development of microfinance companies in China.


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