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发布时间:2019-01-03 06:42
[Abstract]:The financing preference of an enterprise is manifested by the proportion of various financing ways of the enterprise, and the highest proportion of the financing mode shows the financing preference of the enterprise in the choice of financing mode. Whether the development of listed companies is healthy and sustainable is closely related to the financing preferences of listed companies. Because listed companies choose different financing methods, will bring different financing costs. Therefore, the choice of financing methods to the development of listed companies has a significant impact. In recent years, the government has promoted the development of agricultural enterprises, and agricultural listed companies have played a leading role in the development of agriculture in China. With the passage of time, agricultural listed companies have become a part of listed companies. By selecting the section of 2013 and analyzing the data, the listed agricultural companies of our country first choose equity financing, which shows the tendency of equity financing preference. It is well known that excessive reliance on equity financing is unfavorable to the long-term development of listed companies. Therefore, it is very important to study the financing preferences of agricultural listed companies in China. The financial index selected in this paper comes from the agricultural listed companies which were selected in 2013. Based on the domestic and foreign research methods, using SPSS software, using the "backward" regression method to screen the factors that affect the financing preference of agricultural listed companies. The first part introduces the background of this thesis. The second part is a summary of the research on financing structure. This part mainly introduces the domestic and foreign research results from the theoretical part. The third part introduces the status quo, capital structure and financing structure characteristics of agricultural listed companies in China through statistics and chart presentation, and obtains the results of equity financing preference of agricultural listed companies in China. The fourth part expounds the negative impact of equity financing preference on the development of agricultural listed companies from four aspects. The fifth part of income tax, capital structure, profitability, equity structure and other aspects of China's agricultural listed companies show a preference for equity financing. The sixth part selects A shares of agricultural listed companies in late 2013 as the research object, collects 17 qualified companies as samples, uses SPSS multiple linear regression method from the company size, profitability, equity structure. This paper discusses the influence of various factors on the financing preference of agricultural listed companies by using the debt financing rate as the explanatory variable to measure the equity preference of agricultural listed companies in several aspects such as growth ability and so on. The seventh part firstly summarizes the whole paper, and then puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on how to optimize the financing structure of agricultural listed companies in China from the macro and micro aspects.


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