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发布时间:2019-01-05 08:28
[Abstract]:First, the fundamental problem of village-level financial management needs to be solved in the rural areas of our country. The village-level property is owned by all the villagers. In terms of governance structure, all villagers are the owners, that is, the principal. And the village committee that carries on the actual management to the whole village each affairs is the agent. In this essential principal-agent relationship, there must be the question whether the objectives of the principal and the agent are the same: the goal of the village collective is to maintain and increase the value of the collective assets, and the members of the village committee will have individual interests. For example, enjoy special treatment, get more wealth and so on. Therefore, the most fundamental problem to be solved in village financial management is to divide the economic interest relationship among the various stakeholders and to define the power of all parties.
【作者单位】: 信阳农林学院;


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