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发布时间:2019-01-19 20:02
[Abstract]:The core of the transformation of positive O2O model is to give full play to the relative advantages of online and offline resources, and to effectively integrate the two, bring into play the synergistic effect and form a new competitive advantage. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical retail enterprises with strong local consumption have the natural advantage of O 2 O mode transformation. Kyushu Tong Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Kyushu Tong), a large pharmaceutical circulation enterprise, took the lead in taking the pharmaceutical retail business as the strategic business of the enterprise and implemented the O2O mode transformation. The formation of e-commerce and off-line physical retail store interaction complementary business model. Through the analysis of the transformation process of the O2O model of Kyushu Tong, this paper explores the working capital of the traditional pharmaceutical circulation enterprises under the transformation of the O2O mode.
【作者单位】: 北京工商大学商学院;


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