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发布时间:2019-01-22 20:36
[Abstract]:Since 2007, with the joint-stock system reform of large commercial banks as the beginning, China's commercial banks have set off a wave of joint-stock system reform. With the further development of joint-stock system reform in China's commercial banking industry, more and more attention has been paid to it. The research on the relationship between ownership structure and performance has been a hot topic for scholars all over the world. Based on the conclusion of the research on the relationship between the two, it has become an important means for enterprises to improve their performance through the improvement of ownership structure in practice. In this context, this paper studies the relationship between equity structure and corporate performance of commercial banks in China, hoping to provide a more detailed reference for the improvement of equity structure of commercial banks in China. To promote the success of the reform of commercial banks and the long-term prosperity of commercial banks. The main research object of this paper is the relationship between stock ownership structure and enterprise performance of Chinese commercial banks, through the collection, collation and correction of 14 listed commercial banks' equity structure and enterprise performance data for 4 years. Using the methods of theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, this paper carries out correlation analysis and regression analysis, and through the analysis of empirical results to study the existing problems in the industry, and puts forward suggestions and improvement measures for these problems. Through the research, it is found that there is a correlation between enterprise performance and the proportion of state-owned shares, legal person shares and circulating shares. Increasing the proportion of state-owned shares, legal personnel shares and circulating shares is conducive to improving the profitability of commercial banks in China. In terms of contribution, the state-owned shares are greater than the corporate shares, the legal personnel shares are larger than the circulating shares, but the state-owned shares, However, legal person shares and circulating shares restrict the development ability and development space of Chinese commercial banks. In terms of ownership concentration, corporate performance has a correlation with the proportion of the largest shareholders, a positive correlation with the proportion of the first five major shareholders, and a correlation with the Heffendal index of the top five shareholders. In terms of equity checks and balances, there is a positive correlation between the performance of Chinese commercial banks and the sum of shareholding ratio between the first and second largest shareholders and the fifth largest shareholder. This paper analyzes the empirical results from the following aspects: the characteristics of the industry, the mechanism of internal equity ownership and corporate performance, and the basic theory, and analyzes the problems existing in the equity structure of commercial banks in China. Some suggestions for improvement are put forward.


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