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发布时间:2019-01-24 09:12
【摘要】:当前,村级债务在我国已成为一个具有普遍性的问题,其数量增长过快,严重超出村级自身的承受能力,制约着农村经济的发展,束缚着基层组织功能的发挥,影响着农村社会的稳定,掣肘着综合改革的全面推进。黑龙江作为一个经济欠发达省份,村级债务引发的矛盾更加明显,其危害不单纯的体现在经济领域,已扩散到了社会领域和政治领域。Y市作为一个国有林区,在大林业小农业的客观环境中,,其村级经济的基础更加薄弱,村级债务问题造成的负面影响也更为深远。近年来,国内关于村级债务问题的研究日益丰富,在村级债务的治理方面发挥了积极的作用,但是对林业地区村级债务问题的研究见诸笔端的却不多,因此,调查和研究Y市村级债务的治理问题,在理论和现实层面都具有积极的意义。 本文主要的研究工作包括以下几个方面: Y市村级经济及债务状况调查;Y市村级债务的成因及危害分析;Y市村级债务治理对策研究。研究主要得出了以下结论:Y市村级债务的现存状况不容乐观;Y市村级债务成因复杂;Y市村级债务的危害深远; Y市村级债务治理工作需要远近结合,分步实施;Y市村级债务治理工作需要将化解与防控结合进行。 本文通过对Y市村级债务的特点、构成、危害和对策建议等方面的理论研究,能够为我国村级债务理论的研究提供一个来自于林区农村的例证,可以完善和丰富村级债务理论研究体系的内容和论据;同时,通过对Y市村级债务来源、用途、形成时间等方面的数据分析,系统地揭示Y市村级债务存在的主要问题及原因,找准了解决村级债务问题的关键所在,并提出相应的治理对策,能够为提高地方政府制定治理村级债务政策的针对性和准确性,更好更快地解决村级债务问题提供理论指导和实践参考。
[Abstract]:At present, the village level debt has become a universal problem in our country, its quantity growth is too fast, seriously exceeds the village own bearing ability, restricts the development of the rural economy, shackles the function of the grass-roots organization. It affects the stability of rural society and hinders the comprehensive reform. Heilongjiang as an underdeveloped province, the contradiction caused by village debt is more obvious. Its harm is not only reflected in the economic field, but also spread to the social and political fields. In the objective environment of big forestry and small agriculture, the foundation of village economy is weaker, and the negative influence caused by village debt problem is more far-reaching. In recent years, the research on village debt has become more and more abundant and has played an active role in the governance of village debt. However, there are few researches on village debt in forestry areas. To investigate and study the governance of village debt in Y city is of great significance in both theory and practice. The main research work of this paper includes the following aspects: the investigation of village economy and debt situation in Y city; the analysis of the causes and harm of village debt in Y city; and the research on the countermeasures of governance of village debt in Y city. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: the existing situation of village debt in Y city is not optimistic; the causes of village debt in Y city are complex; the harm of village debt in Y city is far-reaching; the governance work of village debt in Y city needs to be combined far and near and implemented step by step. Y city village-level debt management work needs to be resolved and combined with prevention and control. Based on the theoretical research on the characteristics, constitution, harm and countermeasures of the village debt in Y city, this paper can provide an example from the rural forest area for the study of the village debt theory in our country. It can perfect and enrich the contents and arguments of the research system of village debt theory; At the same time, by analyzing the data of the source, use and forming time of village debt in Y city, the paper systematically reveals the main problems and causes of the village debt in Y city, and finds out the key to solve the debt problem of village level. The corresponding countermeasures can provide theoretical guidance and practical reference for improving the pertinence and accuracy of the local government in formulating and managing the village debt policy and solving the village debt problem better and faster.


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