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发布时间:2019-02-14 23:51
【摘要】:农业经济的发展,是关系社会主义现代化建设事业全局的重大问题。要解决好农业发展问题,关键是对农业经济结构进行战略性调整,发展现代农业,走农业产业化发展道路。农业企业是推动农业产业化发展的核心,其经营业绩直接影响着农业产业化的成效和农业发展的整体水平。金融是现代经济的核心,通过完善农村金融市场体系,促进金融资本和农业资本的有机融合,’发挥金融的功能作用,实现农业企业的快速健康发展,是本文的研究目的。 本文将在详细分析农业企业的发展背景、现状和功能的基础上,结合金融支持的相关理论,分析目前株洲市农业企业融资存在的问题和自身特色所在,并结合了国内外农业企业融资的经验,对株洲市农业企业发展最终给出了一些具有针对性的政策建议。对于株洲市农业企业融资现状的分析是全文得以展开的重中之重,只有对株洲市的农业企业融资状况有个清晰的把握之后,我们的研究才有方向性和目的性。 全文着重以企业融资相关的理论分析作为铺垫,尤其是和农业企业紧密相关的农村金融理论进行了着重分析。接下来是对株洲市农业企业融资的现状和特色等的分析。其中,我们从融资渠道、融资环境、发展环境、区位优势等几个方面去展开研究,总结其融资难的问题所在。同时,针对株洲市农业企业融资的优势和劣势所在,借鉴国内外发展经验的基础上给出株洲地区农业企业融资的建议。
[Abstract]:The development of agricultural economy, is the major problem of overall situation of socialist modernization construction. In order to solve the problem of agricultural development, the key lies in the strategic adjustment of agricultural economic structure, the development of modern agriculture and the development of agricultural industrialization. Agricultural enterprises are the core of promoting the development of agricultural industrialization, and their operating performance directly affects the effectiveness of agricultural industrialization and the overall level of agricultural development. Finance is the core of modern economy. The purpose of this paper is to improve the rural financial market system, to promote the organic integration of financial capital and agricultural capital, to give play to the function of finance and to realize the rapid and healthy development of agricultural enterprises. On the basis of detailed analysis of the development background, present situation and function of agricultural enterprises, combined with the relevant theories of financial support, this paper will analyze the existing problems and their own characteristics of the financing of agricultural enterprises in Zhuzhou City. Combined with the experience of domestic and foreign agricultural enterprises financing, this paper gives some targeted policy recommendations on the development of agricultural enterprises in Zhuzhou City. The analysis of the current financing situation of agricultural enterprises in Zhuzhou is the most important part of the paper. Only after a clear grasp of the financing situation of agricultural enterprises in Zhuzhou City can our research be directed and purposeful. This paper focuses on the theoretical analysis of enterprise financing, especially the rural finance theory which is closely related to agribusiness. Next is to Zhuzhou agricultural enterprise financing present situation and the characteristic analysis and so on. Among them, we carry out research from financing channel, financing environment, development environment, location advantage and so on, and sum up the problem of its financing difficulty. At the same time, according to the advantages and disadvantages of agricultural enterprises financing in Zhuzhou City, the paper gives some suggestions on the financing of agricultural enterprises in Zhuzhou area on the basis of the domestic and foreign development experience.


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