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发布时间:2019-02-16 11:16
【摘要】:在与国际财务报告准则持续趋同的背景下,财政部发布《企业会计准则解释第3号》(财会[2009]8号),,正式引入“其他综合收益”(OCI)的概念,并要求我国上市公司自2009年起在利润表和所有者权益变动表中同时列报OCI项目,这与现行国际会计准则理事会(IASB)和美国财务会计准则委员会(FASB)的做法均有所差异,这一独特的列报模式表明我国准则制定机构对OCI项目的重视。但由于OCI概念较为宽泛,相关方对其认识尚存诸多模糊之处,导致实务中对OCI、直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失、权益性交易、资本公积等概念出现较多的混淆误用。本文立足这一实然现状,通过厘清OCI与相关易混概念的异同剖析其深层内涵及特点,并以此为基础展开本文的理论构建。具体而言,本文在探析OCI内涵特点及具体分类列报项目的基础上,对相关文献进行回顾,并结合会计信息质量定义及研究现状,以相关准则的发展脉络为时间主线,顺次对传统会计收益、未实现利得和损失、综合收益、OCI及各自对会计信息质量影响的研究文献进行梳理评析,进而总结OCI相关研究的理论缺口。最近几年,OCI的列报要求在国际层面一直是相关方之聚焦,其列报方式、重分类调整及分类列报要求也一直是各国及地区准则制定机构争论的议题。本文尝试性对英国会计准则委员会(ASB)、FASB、IASB等西方代表机构的相关准则规范沿革进行溯源及梳理,以结合我国制度背景,寻求列报准则进一步发展与完善的有益启示。上述内容即本文之理论框架。 解释第3号实施3年来,OCI项目列报在我国资本市场收效如何?是否有助于改善我国企业信息披露及信息不对称等问题?OCI项目同时在利润表和所有者权益变动表中反映,是否有助于提高企业会计信息质量?本文实证部分试图通过我国上市公司2009年至2011年3年的A股数据对上述问题展开一定的研究。具体而言,本文立足现有的研究范式,选取价值相关性、盈余管理和损失确认及时性三个维度就OCI列报对我国上市公司会计信息质量的影响进行全面考察,这也是本文的创新点之所在。首先,通过描述性统计,本文发现OCI列报准则实施效果良好,但总金额呈逐年递减趋势,且对传统净收益及综合收益的影响逐年增强,其中,以可供出售金融资产产生的利得(损失)金额项目的影响最为显著。通过OLS回归发现,OCI具备增量价值相关性,即OCI项目的列报使得整体盈余及账面净资产对股价的解释力有所上升,但同时,OCI列报在一定程度上削弱了净收益对股价的解释力;综合收益较净收益不具备相对价值相关性;OCI列报可有效抑制公司盈余管理行为,且OCI列报的透明度与盈余管理程度呈负相关关系;没有证据表明OCI列报能提高公司大额损失的报告频率。总体而言,OCI列报在一定程度上增强了公司会计信息质量。
[Abstract]:In the context of consistent convergence with IFRS, the Ministry of Finance issued the Accounting Standards for Enterprises interpretation No. 3 (Accounting [2009] 8), formally introducing the concept of "other Comprehensive income" (OCI). The listed companies in our country are required to report OCI items in profit statement and owner's equity change statement since 2009, which is different from (IASB) and (FASB) of the current International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and American Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). This unique presentation demonstrates the importance that China's standard-setting agencies attach to OCI projects. However, due to the broad concept of OCI, there are still many ambiguities in the understanding of OCI, which leads to a lot of confusion and misuse of the concepts of OCI, directly including the benefits and losses of owner's equity, equity transactions, capital reserves, and so on. Based on this real situation, this paper analyzes the deep connotation and characteristics of OCI and related concepts of easy-mix by clarifying their similarities and differences, and on this basis, the theoretical construction of this paper is carried out. Specifically, on the basis of analyzing the connotation characteristics of OCI and the specific classification and presentation items, this paper reviews the relevant literature, combines the definition of accounting information quality and the current research situation, and takes the development of relevant standards as the main line of time. This paper analyzes the traditional accounting income, unrealized gains and losses, comprehensive income, OCI and their respective research documents on the quality of accounting information, and sums up the theoretical gaps in the related research of OCI. In recent years, the reporting requirement of OCI has been focused on by Fang Zhi at the international level. This paper attempts to trace and comb the evolution of the relevant standards of representative western organizations such as (ASB), FASB,IASB in order to seek the beneficial enlightenment of the further development and perfection of the reporting standards in the light of the institutional background of our country. The above content is the theoretical framework of this paper. Explain how the OCI project report has worked in China's capital market since the third year of implementation. Will it help to improve the disclosure of information and information asymmetry in our country? whether the OCI project can be reflected in the profit statement and the change statement of owner's equity at the same time, will it help to improve the quality of enterprise accounting information? The empirical part of this paper attempts to conduct a certain research on the above problems through the A share data of Chinese listed companies from 2009 to 2011. Specifically, based on the existing research paradigm, this paper selects three dimensions of value relevance, earnings management and loss recognition timeliness to investigate the impact of OCI reporting on the quality of accounting information of listed companies in China. This is the innovation of this paper. First of all, through descriptive statistics, this paper finds that the implementation of OCI reporting criterion is good, but the total amount is decreasing year by year, and the influence on traditional net income and comprehensive income is increasing year by year. The most significant effect is the amount of gain (loss) arising from the sale of financial assets. Through OLS regression, it is found that OCI has the correlation of incremental value, that is, the presentation of OCI items increases the explanatory power of the overall earnings and book net assets to the stock price, but at the same time, the OCI report weakens the explanatory power of the net income to the stock price to some extent; The OCI report can effectively restrain the earnings management behavior of the company, and the transparency of the OCI report has a negative correlation with the earnings management degree. There is no evidence that OCI reporting increases the reporting frequency of large losses. Overall, OCI presentation enhances the quality of corporate accounting information to some extent.


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