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发布时间:2019-02-17 12:34
[Abstract]:The increasingly prominent environmental problems make the environment become an important factor affecting the decision-making of enterprises. It is imperative to apply environmental cost accounting which fully considers environmental factors in enterprises. The comprehensive application of environmental cost accounting in enterprises is a systematic project, which should be carried out in stages according to the objects, first in the strong polluting industries and enterprises, and then be popularized in the whole country step by step. The implementation of environmental cost accounting in enterprises must have a realistic and effective security support system: the government should construct the legal and government administrative guarantee system to promote the landing of environmental cost accounting, and strengthen the government supervision of environmental problems. Actively promote environmental issues and enhance the environmental awareness of enterprises and the public; At the enterprise level, we should strengthen the consciousness of environmental cost accounting, improve the internal management environment, construct the organization and staff, strengthen the theoretical and practical research, and strengthen the international communication and cooperation. The public should raise environmental awareness and actively practice "green consumption".
【作者单位】: 河北师范大学商学院;
【基金】:2010年河北师范大学博士基金项目“企业低碳会计体系构建研究”(W2010B21) 2009年河北师范大学科研基金项目“我国民营企业环境成本管理实证研究”(W2009Y11)


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