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发布时间:2019-02-23 21:52
[Abstract]:Science and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have developed into an important force in China's economy, and are the key forces in the economic and social transformation and upgrading of our country. Our country should attach great importance to the development of science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises, and give great support to the financing difficulties faced by them in the process of development. Since the outbreak of the world financial crisis in 2008, China's small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises are also facing extremely severe survival pressure and challenges, and the need for development through financing is becoming more and more urgent. Many scholars have carried on the research on the financing problem of our country's science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises, in order to promote the development of our country's small and medium-sized enterprises' financing work, open up a new road and direction. However, by combing the existing literature at home and abroad, we can find that most of the research at this stage is aimed at the small and medium-sized enterprises as a whole, and the research lacks pertinence. There is little research on the financing of science and technology SMEs and specific enterprises. For this reason, this paper takes LS Science and Technology Co., Ltd as an example to study the financing problems of science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises. This paper firstly discusses the research background, research significance and domestic and foreign research review, and takes LS Science and Technology Co., Ltd. as a specific case to analyze the status quo, existing problems and root causes of the financing of small and medium-sized scientific and technological enterprises in China. The paper points out the problems existing in the financing process of LS Science and Technology Co., Ltd., such as the relatively single financing channel, the increasing difficulty of enterprise financing, the need to improve the enterprise credit construction, the weak consciousness of financing innovation and so on. On this basis, combined with the relevant theory of financing of science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises, this paper puts forward specific methods and measures to improve the financing of science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises, and puts forward corresponding suggestions from the two angles of government and enterprise. In order to enhance the financing capacity of LS Technology Co., Ltd. The author hopes to put forward some suggestions for the development of LS Company by learning.


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