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发布时间:2019-03-05 10:43
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the deepening of anti-corruption work, it has become the norm to punish corruption, bribery and other corruption crimes in accordance with the law. Especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the anti-corruption struggle of our country has entered the critical stage, its strength is so great, the difficulty is unprecedented. According to statistics, since the 18th CPC National Congress, there have been more than 100 officials at or above the provincial and ministerial levels, most of whom are involved in corruption, bribery, abuse of power, and other official crimes. Corruption, bribery and other duty crimes have seriously violated the integrity of state functionaries, damaged the image and reputation of the party and the state, disrupted the normal market economic order, and brought great harm to the economic and social development of the country. Especially in recent years, the crime of corruption and bribery has become more and more intelligent, complicated and concealed, showing many new features. It is more and more difficult for procuratorial organs to investigate and handle corruption and bribery crimes. How to effectively combat corruption, bribery crime is a big problem in front of procuratorial organs. In order to meet the needs of anti-corruption work and fight corruption and bribery more effectively, through constant exploration and practice, on the basis of comprehensive investigation, the procuratorial organs have set up the technical categories of internal judicial accounting of the procuratorial organs. And select the professional and technical personnel of judicial accounting to carry out the related work of judicial accounting to provide forensic accounting technology and evidence support for the investigation and handling of corruption bribery and other job crimes. The judicial accounting work of procuratorial organs in our country has been carried out for nearly 30 years. Although judicial accounting has played an important role in investigating and handling corruption and bribery crimes, there are still many problems in the practical application of judicial accounting. In particular, the role of judicial accounting in combating corruption, bribery and other professional crimes still has a certain gap with the current increasingly complex situation of anti-corruption struggle, for example, the application of judicial accounting in the practice of investigation is not universal. The lack of judicial accounting knowledge of investigators, there are still "self-investigation self-learning", "self-examination self-reference" situation, as well as the discipline of judicial accounting itself is not systematic, judicial accounting education and practice, and so on. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the application of judicial accounting in the investigation of embezzlement and bribery crimes, and to guide the investigation practice with the theoretical research. The purpose of this paper is to guide the investigation of corruption and bribery by studying the application of judicial accounting in the investigation of corruption and bribery crimes. There are more than 30,000 words in this paper, which are composed of three parts. The first part is an overview of judicial accounting. Starting with the present situation of the emergence and development of judicial accounting, this paper expounds the research situation of judicial accounting theory, puts forward the concept of judicial accounting, then expounds the types of judicial accounting activities, and finally discusses the judicial accounting and accounting, auditing, and so on. The relationship of forensic accounting is compared and analyzed. The second part is the characteristics and investigation of corruption and bribery crime. Firstly, the concept of corruption and bribery crime is put forward. Secondly, the characteristics of corruption and bribery crime are expounded. Finally, the investigation of corruption and bribery crime is analyzed. The third part is the application of judicial accounting in the investigation of corruption and bribery crimes. Firstly, this paper expounds the application of judicial accounting inspection in the investigation of corruption and bribery crime cases, including the function, specific scope, basic methods, and the specific application of judicial accounting inspection in the investigation of corruption and bribery crime cases. Secondly, it focuses on the application of forensic accounting expertise in the investigation of corruption and bribery crimes, including the main role of forensic accounting expertise, the scope of forensic accounting, the initiation procedure, the basic methods, and the examination of forensic accounting expert opinions. Finally, the existing problems of judicial accounting are discussed.


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