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发布时间:2019-03-22 12:00
[Abstract]:In the past ten years, with the vigorous development of China's economy, the foundation has also exposed a lot of drawbacks, and the financial problems of the foundation emerge one after another. The exposure of the media caused the trust crisis of the public to the foundation, which seriously restricted the good development of the whole industry of the foundation. In China, the accounting of foundations should follow the Accounting system of non-profit organizations issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in 2004. However, the system is restricted by the conditions when it was introduced, and it can not solve the need of fund accounting information for many stakeholders under the new situation. The foundation's basic attributes and operating characteristics also distinguish it from other non-profit organizations. Under these circumstances, it is of great significance both in theory and in practice to construct a set of fund accounting system suitable for China's national conditions. Starting with the definition of the foundation, the paper determines the nature of the legal person of the foundation financial organization, explains the basic attributes of the public and non-governmental nature of the foundation and the operating characteristics of the trust agent and the project as the mainstay. Summarized their impact on fund accounting; Based on the analysis of the present situation of the fund accounting system in China, it is pointed out that the current accounting system of non-profit organizations does not adapt to the foundation and the coordination and unification among the accounting norms of the fund are also pointed out. Explain the necessity of establishing fund accounting system; By comparing and analyzing the contents of the accounting norms of the foundation between the United States and the United Kingdom, this paper discusses the enlightenment of the construction of foreign foundation accounting norms to our country. Finally, the basic theory of fund accounting system in China is studied. The main contents are as follows: scope of application and accounting objectives, accounting assumptions, accounting basis, accounting elements and financial reports. The innovation of this paper is that we should construct a set of accounting system which can adapt to the present situation of China Foundation and promote its development. In addition, in view of the operating characteristics of the foundation and the accounting information users' demand for the accounting information of the foundation project, this paper puts forward the assumption of the compound subject of fund accounting, the assumption of continuous and phased operation, the assumption of periodic and non-periodic phasing. Based on the monetary and non-monetary measurement assumptions, this paper discusses the application of the modified accrual system in the accounting of foundation projects, and designs the overall financial reporting system of the foundation and the financial reporting system of the projects of the foundation.


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4 李t犇,




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