[Abstract]:Regular colleges and universities are divided into the following three categories according to the school-running level: a key university, an ordinary university, and an independent college, that is, a private college. The characteristics of the secondary colleges are as follows: first, in terms of enrollment and admission, the scores are reduced on the basis of the admission line of ordinary universities, but higher than the admission line of higher vocational colleges; Second, strong independence, independent campus, independent financial accounting (self-financing), independent administration, independent award of diploma and so on. Lv Xiaojuan, Li Zilin (2005) pointed out the characteristics of students in private colleges and universities: strong sense of inferiority, great ideological pressure, lack of good sense of self-efficacy; strong self-esteem, weak self-confidence, lack of good study habits; poor self-discipline, blind follower, lack of self-efficacy
【作者单位】: 郑州成功财经学院;
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