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发布时间:2019-05-03 20:35
【摘要】:中国南方机车车辆工业集团公司(简称中国南车),是经国务院批准,于2000年9月组建成立的国有独资大型集团公司,现为中央直属企业。由于缺少一个清晰、明确的融资策略,中国南车在融资活动中将存在许多障碍及问题,这将制约公司的长远发展。不管从行业发展前景,还是从自身企业的发展目标来看,科学的融资策略可有效避免企业因持续、高速发展带来的财务危机,因此,研究中国南车的融资策略有助于中国南车的可持续发展,是中国南车实现企业战略目标的必要途径,同时对其他上市公司也有一定的借鉴意义。 本文介绍了经典的融资理论以及国内外与融资相关的文献,通过对公司调研所获得的中国南车的各种数据资料进行整合、梳理,以经典的融资理论为指导,分析了中国南车的融资历史及在融资方面所存在的问题以及中国南车的融资需求,并根据企业战略转变及战略目标,提出了中国南车的融资原则。结合与中国北车的融资策略对比,制定出了符合中国南车实际情况的融资策略,并对具体融资策略的实施提出了可行的建议。 最后的结论是,中国南车在权益融资方面应该努力争取国有资本经营预算资金、合理搭建融资平台、盘活存量资产,进行变卖融资、积极进行企业并购;在债务融资方面应该平衡短期融资与长期融资的比例以及权益融资和债务融资的额度。
[Abstract]:China Southern Locomotive and Rolling Stock Industry Corporation (CNCC), a state-owned large-scale group company established in September 2000 with the approval of the State Council, is now a state-owned enterprise directly under the Central Committee. Due to the lack of a clear and clear financing strategy, there will be many obstacles and problems in the financing activities, which will restrict the long-term development of the company. The scientific financing strategy can effectively avoid the financial crisis caused by the sustained and high-speed development of enterprises, both from the perspective of the development prospects of the industry and from the development goals of their own enterprises. The research on the financing strategy of China South car is helpful to the sustainable development of China South car, it is the necessary way to realize the strategic goal of the enterprise, and it can also be used for reference to other listed companies. This paper introduces the classical financing theory and domestic and foreign literature related to financing, through the integration of all kinds of data obtained from the company research, carding, guided by the classical financing theory, This paper analyzes on the financing history and the problems existing in the financing of China South car and the financing demand of China South car, and puts forward the financing principles of China South car according to the strategic transformation and strategic objectives of the enterprise. Based on the comparison with the financing strategy of China Northcar, this paper draws up the financing strategy which accords with the actual situation of China South car, and puts forward some feasible suggestions for the implementation of the specific financing strategy. The final conclusion is that Nanche should strive for the state-owned capital management budget funds, set up the financing platform reasonably, vitalize the stock assets, carry on the sale financing and actively carry on the enterprise merger and acquisition in the aspect of equity financing; In the aspect of debt financing, we should balance the ratio of short-term financing to long-term financing and the amount of equity financing and debt financing.


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