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发布时间:2019-05-18 22:00
[Abstract]:China is a big agricultural country, and the emergence and development of agriculture has a history of more than 10,000 years in our country. After primitive, slave, feudal and socialist society, agriculture has always been in the position of basic industry. In the long-term management and development, a development model with industry characteristics has been formed, which has certain research significance. Agricultural development can not be separated from agricultural industrialization, agricultural industrialization can not be separated from the establishment of modern company system. In 1992, Shenbao (000019) and Liannong shares (now Tianchen shares 600620) were listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange, respectively. It marks the birth of agricultural listed companies in China. After the financial crisis in 2008, the world economy has entered a period of adjustment, the development strategy and capital structure of the company have undergone great changes with before, and China's economy is also in an important stage of transformation and upgrading. In the new economic situation, how to enhance the competitiveness of agricultural listed companies and achieve the steady improvement of the financial performance of agricultural listed companies has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life, and has important research significance. Capital structure refers to the composition and proportional relationship of various sources of capital, which can be divided into equity structure and debt structure. The ownership structure determines the distribution of internal control of the company, which is the basis of corporate governance, and the debt structure affects corporate governance through the binding force of debt contract and bankruptcy mechanism. How to arrange capital structure plays a very important role and significance in optimizing corporate governance and improving financial performance. Therefore, it is of great theoretical value and practical significance to study the relationship between capital structure and financial performance of agricultural listed companies in China under the new economic situation. This paper uses the latest data of agricultural listed companies in China from 2008 to 2012 under the new economic situation, from listing time, regional distribution, sub-industry distribution, main business scope, company attributes, company size, government subsidies, R & D expenditure. Ownership structure, debt structure, financial performance and other aspects of a comprehensive descriptive analysis. According to the mechanism of capital structure on financial performance and the actual situation of agricultural listed companies, this paper puts forward six research hypotheses, establishes econometric models, and makes regression analysis on the relationship between capital structure and financial performance of agricultural listed companies. Through the study, this paper draws the following conclusions: (1) the number of listed agricultural companies in China is small and the scale is small; the scope of operation is very wide and the phenomenon of backfarming is serious; about half of them are state-owned and generally receive different degrees of government subsidies; The investment in scientific research is still insufficient and the ability of independent innovation is lacking. (2) the relationship between the proportion of state-owned shares and financial performance is "u-shaped" quadratic curve. There was no significant correlation between the proportion of legal person shares and financial performance. There is a "U-shaped" quadratic curve relationship between the proportion of tradable shares and financial performance. (3) there is no significant correlation between the proportion of the largest shareholders and financial performance. The sum of the top ten shareholders' shareholding ratio is positively correlated with financial performance. (4) there is no significant correlation between equity incentive level and financial performance. (5) the relationship between asset-liability ratio and financial performance is "inverted U" quadratic curve. . (6) there is a significant positive correlation between current debt ratio and financial performance. (7) there is a significant positive correlation between bank borrowing ratio and financial performance. There is a significant positive correlation between commercial credit rate and financial performance. (8) there is no significant correlation between company size and financial performance. (9) there is no significant correlation between board size and financial performance. At present, there are still some problems hindering the improvement of their performance in the process of development of agricultural listed companies in China. This paper puts forward seven countermeasures and suggestions in order to help agricultural listed companies optimize their capital structure. Improve financial performance, promote agricultural listed companies on the road of healthy and sustainable development.


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