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发布时间:2019-05-24 00:17
[Abstract]:Photovoltaic power generation is a new sunrise industry. Under the premise of green environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction has become the premise of sustainable development in today's society, the use of photovoltaic power generation has become a new energy development in the world. It is an important support to alleviate the contradiction of energy shortage and improve the ecological environment. Relying on rich solar resources, the photovoltaic industry has been vigorously developed in various parts of China, and a relatively complete photovoltaic industrial chain has been initially formed, and the installed scale of photovoltaic power stations has reached a new high year by year. However, the output power of photovoltaic power supply is different from the traditional power supply, and its output power varies with the change of light intensity, temperature and other environmental factors. With the increasing proportion of photovoltaic system in the power grid, it is inherently intermittent. Random volatility can not be ignored in the aspects of power quality, safe and reliable operation of the system, system peak shaving and power system planning, which hinders its large-scale application in the power grid and seriously affects the income of the power station. In recent years, "abandoning light and limiting hair" is particularly prominent, resulting in a large number of waste of resources. This paper will take Yangyuan photovoltaic power generation project in Hebei Province as an example, according to the current fiscal and tax system and current price of the state, according to the requirements of the Economic Evaluation method and parameters of Construction Project issued by the State Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Construction (the third edition), etc. Referring to the measures for the Management of Wind Power Construction projects and the interim provisions on the Operation of Wind Power farms connected to the Grid, the costs and benefits are calculated, and their financial conditions, such as profitability and liquidity, are investigated in order to judge their financial feasibility. The investment strategy of photovoltaic power generation project under the background of power limitation is discussed. In this paper, based on the technical and economic evaluation of Yangyuan photovoltaic power generation project in Hebei Province, and the investment return rate of the project under different power limit conditions is analyzed, the main conclusions are as follows: (1) under the background of power limit, The investment strategy of reducing the layout of photovoltaic modules can be adopted to effectively improve the rate of return of the project. (2) under the condition that the power of photovoltaic power generation project is limited throughout the operation period, the investment strategy of reducing the installed capacity of photovoltaic modules can be adopted. When the proportion of photovoltaic module load reduction is equal to the local power limit ratio, the project will reach the maximum rate of return. (3) under the condition of power limit in the first three years of operation of photovoltaic power generation project, the installation capacity of photovoltaic project module can be reduced at an initial stage. In the case of less impact on the overall power generation, reduce the investment of the project; When the power limit is lifted after 3 years, all the installation works of the components will be completed. When the photovoltaic module is reduced by the same proportion as the local power limit, the project will achieve the maximum rate of return.


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