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发布时间:2019-05-24 08:07
【摘要】:近几年来,律师界业内人士和相关学者呼吁我国律师业走公司化道路,推行律师事务所公司化改革。同时,司法部也将“建立多种形式,多层次并存的律师组织管理体系,使律师事务所真正成为自主管理、自担风险、自我约束、自我发展、平等竞争的职业主体的理念”,纳入其《中国律师事业五年(2002-2006)发展纲要》。律师事务所应形成怎样的组织构造模式,国内外律师界业内人士在实践中不断探索。 本研究从分析我国律师事务所组织结构的现状入手,,逐一分析了国资所、合作所、合伙所、个人所的合理性与不足,剖析现存律师事务所组织形式的缺陷,论证了在我国构建公司制律师事务所的必要性及可行性。第一章回顾了我国国资所和合作所的发展历程,对于已经淡出历史舞台的国资所和合作所,本研究认为,保留国资所已无必要;而合作所的运行机制仍有可以借鉴的合理因素。第二章介绍了我国律师事务所组织形式的现状,并简要介绍了国外律师事务所的组织形式。借鉴国外律师事务所的组织形式,分析我国市场经济发展和加入WTO的现状,提出在我国设立公司制律师事务所的观点,并对金州律师事务所总体现状、内部管理、现存法律问题进行了详细的介绍。第三章详细论述了对金州律师事务所进行公司化治理的发展前景。第四章分析提出了在金州律师事务所建立公司化治理模式的律师事务所的具体途径与方法。
[Abstract]:In recent years, lawyers and related scholars have called on China's lawyer industry to take the road of corporatization and carry out the reform of law firm corporatization. At the same time, the Ministry of Justice will also "establish a multi-form and multi-level legal organization and management system, so that law firms can truly become independent management, risk-taking, self-restraint, self-development, and the concept of equal competition." It is included in its outline for the Development of Chinese lawyers in the past five years (2002 / 2006). What kind of organizational structure model should be formed by law firms, domestic and foreign lawyers continue to explore in practice. Starting with the analysis of the present situation of the organizational structure of law firms in China, this study analyzes the rationality and shortcomings of state-owned, cooperative, partnership and individual firms one by one, and analyzes the defects of the existing organizational forms of law firms. This paper demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of constructing corporate law firm in our country. The first chapter reviews the development process of China's state-owned and cooperative institutes. For the state-owned and cooperative institutes that have faded out of the historical stage, this study holds that it is no longer necessary to retain the state-owned assets, and there are still reasonable factors that can be used for reference in the operation mechanism of the cooperation institutes. The second chapter introduces the present situation of the organizational form of law firms in China, and briefly introduces the organizational forms of foreign law firms. Referring to the organizational form of foreign law firms, this paper analyzes the development of market economy and the present situation of China's entry into WTO, puts forward the viewpoint of establishing corporate law firms in China, and puts forward the overall present situation and internal management of Jinzhou Law firms. The existing legal issues are introduced in detail. The third chapter discusses in detail the development prospect of corporate governance of Jinzhou Law firm. The fourth chapter analyzes and puts forward the concrete ways and methods of establishing the corporate governance model in Jinzhou Law firm.


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