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发布时间:2019-06-11 11:07
【摘要】:为了更好的满足社会日益增长的电力需求,一直以来电网建设受到了电网企业的高度重视,科学高效地开展电网建设项目投资也是学术界一直研究的课题。从资源合理配置的角度出发,为达到电网建设项目的经济合理性、避免因过度投资带来能源浪费的发生,对电网建设项目进行科学合理的投资效率评价是十分必要的,,而科学的评价方法的选择尤为重要,这不仅能使各大电网企业的经济效率、社会效率等有效的相结合,还能够为电网工程建设项目提供可靠的依据。 电网建设项目投资效率的高低将直接影响是否投资该项目的决策,要想科学合理地做出投资效率的评价,科学的评价方法至关重要。首先,阐述了投资效率评价的理论基础,对投资效率的概念进行了界定;其次分析了目前常用的效率评价方法的优缺点,针对电网建设项目的特点,选取了DEA投资效率评价方法,并在信息权重“熵权法”上引入“区分度”的概念,来筛选电网建设项目输入输出指标,并编写了“熵权区分度”算法的软件程序,形成了一套可以单独运行的小型计算软件。最后,根据电网建设项目的特点并利用DEA评价方法对山东某地区20座新建变电站项目进行投资效率评价结果进行分析比较,实证分析中引入“理想决策单元”的概念对各决策单元进行了排序,从而验证该评价方法的可行性和有效性。
[Abstract]:In order to better meet the growing power demand of society, power grid construction has been attached great importance to by power grid enterprises, and scientific and efficient investment in power grid construction projects has been a research topic in academic circles. From the point of view of rational allocation of resources, in order to achieve the economic rationality of power grid construction projects and avoid the occurrence of energy waste caused by excessive investment, it is very necessary to evaluate the investment efficiency of power grid construction projects scientifically and reasonably. The choice of scientific evaluation methods is particularly important, which can not only combine the economic efficiency and social efficiency of major power grid enterprises, but also provide reliable basis for power grid engineering construction projects. The investment efficiency of power grid construction project will directly affect the decision of whether to invest in the project. In order to evaluate the investment efficiency scientifically and reasonably, scientific evaluation method is very important. First of all, it expounds the theoretical basis of investment efficiency evaluation, and defines the concept of investment efficiency. Secondly, the advantages and disadvantages of the commonly used efficiency evaluation methods are analyzed. According to the characteristics of power grid construction projects, the DEA investment efficiency evaluation method is selected, and the concept of "differentiation" is introduced into the information weight entropy weight method. The input and output indexes of power grid construction project are screened, and the software program of entropy weight discrimination algorithm is compiled, and a set of small computing software which can run alone is formed. Finally, according to the characteristics of power grid construction projects and using DEA evaluation method, the investment efficiency evaluation results of 20 newly built substations in a certain area of Shandong Province are analyzed and compared. In the empirical analysis, the concept of "ideal decision making unit" is introduced to sort each decision making unit, so as to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the evaluation method.


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