[Abstract]:Since 2007, listed companies began to use income tax accounting standards, in this period of time, income tax accounting standards have had a certain impact on all parties to the production and operation of enterprises. Among these effects, there are the effects of income tax accounting standards on enterprise profits, and the factors that affect the smooth profits of enterprises in the implementation of income tax accounting standards. Based on these problems, this paper studies the concrete effect of Enterprise Accounting Standard No. 18-income tax since its promulgation and implementation, based on the influence of income tax accounting standards and the influence of profit smoothing, and studies the influence of income tax accounting standards on profit smoothing earnings management behavior from a theoretical point of view. At the same time, the conclusions of the theoretical research are verified by empirical evidence. First of all, this paper analyzes and studies the relevant theories of income tax accounting standards and profit smoothing, understands the meaning of enterprise income tax accounting, the goal of income tax accounting standards and the connotation of profit smoothing, and thus holds that income tax accounting is an integral part of financial accounting from the essence of business processing, and its main goal is to "correctly reflect the financial situation of the enterprise, the cash flow of the enterprise and the operating results of the enterprise. The differences between accounting standards and tax law are coordinated, so that the information needed by tax collection and management units can be satisfied and the cost of tax adjustment for tax collection and management units and taxpayers can be reduced. This paper analyzes on the development and application of income tax accounting standards, compares the income tax accounting treatment methods in each stage of our country, and obtains the advantages of the balance sheet debt method in the income tax accounting treatment, thus reflecting the practical significance of the use of the balance sheet debt method. Secondly, it theoretically analyzes how to smooth profits through income tax accounting standards from the point of view of profit smoothing. When the enterprise carries on the profit smoothing through the income tax accounting standard, what kind of influence factor will affect the enterprise's profit smoothing. Through the analysis of tax burden factor, enterprise scale factor, profit level factor, debt contract factor and equity structure factor, this paper puts forward the hypothesis to explain the positive and negative relationship between each factor and profit smoothness. Finally, when the enterprise proposes and transfers the deferred income tax assets (liabilities), so that the profit of the enterprise changes, so that the enterprise realizes the profit smoothing under the condition of dealing with the profit. The empirical study shows that deferred income tax and fee is an effective measure to smooth profits, that is, for the profit smoothing behavior of listed enterprises, the balance sheet debt method can play an obvious incremental role. In addition, the main factors affecting profit smoothing are analyzed and studied. The results show that the following factors play an important role in driving the enterprise to implement income smoothing by using deferred income tax, that is, enterprise profit, enterprise income tax and fee, enterprise asset-liability ratio and enterprise equity concentration, and so on.
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