发布时间:2018-02-02 07:08
本文关键词: 明清景泰蓝 纹饰图案 构图 审美特征 出处:《陕西师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:景泰蓝,学名为“铜胎掐丝珐琅”,它是古代劳动人民的智慧结晶。在历史的变革中,明清王朝是景泰蓝主要的发展阶段,清乾隆时期更是空前发展,达到鼎盛。明清两代,皇都北京,能工巧匠荟萃于斯,奇珍异品,层出不穷;名优产品,冠于全国,所以特种工艺制造业发展同样迅速,并达到很高水平,景泰蓝制品就是其中的一种。景泰蓝在早期是皇室宫廷御用品,其特殊性也造就了它与众不同的艺术特点。 在中国工艺美术的历史长河中,景泰蓝纹样艺术作为中国传统艺术的一个重要组成部分,是植根于中华民族地域文化土壤之上的智慧结晶,不仅以其源远流长、特色鲜明著称于世,而且以其内涵丰富、思想深邃而影响古今。 本文选择明清时期景泰蓝的纹饰作为研究对象,运用文献分析法、图像研究法和类型学方法,整理分析明清时期的景泰蓝传世藏品,同时对景泰蓝纹饰在现代设计中的继承、发展作为目的进行分析。首先考证了景泰蓝的历史渊源并详细介绍了景泰蓝独特的工艺艺术。进而对明清时期景泰蓝的纹饰图案类型作了系统的整理和归纳,引出此时期的纹饰艺术,紧接着针对景泰蓝纹样的构图形式进行探讨,将纹饰特点与纹样的组织结构加以归纳研究。再从明清时期景泰蓝纹饰图案的特色和审美特征为基点,透过两代发展交互对比分析,以理清之间所具有的文化传演与变异并整合出明清景泰蓝纹饰较为完整的纹饰审美特质资料。最后着重从景泰蓝纹饰的传承与现代设计理念、表现手法和艺术风格等方面相结合考证景泰蓝纹饰在现代设计中发展和创新的现实意义。 当下,艺术的民族化特征并没有随着现代化和全球化的浪潮而消失,相反任何一门艺术都受到了本民族文化的滋养与启迪。今天,许多艺术家和设计师也都主动向传统艺术汲取营养,将现代与传统,通过一种互动式的交流结合在一起,使设计的潜力大大增加。于是世界各区域各民族所具有的独特传统艺术,在当代越来越被各国设计界所重视和利用。
[Abstract]:Cloisonne, whose scientific name is "copper tyre and silk enamel", is the intellectual crystallization of the ancient laboring people. In the historical transformation, the Ming and Qing dynasties were the main stage of the development of cloisonne, and the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty was even more unprecedented. To reach the peak. Ming and Qing dynasties, the emperor is Beijing, skilled craftsmen gathered in this, rare and exotic products, emerge in endlessly; Famous and excellent products, ranking in the country, so the special technology manufacturing industry also developed rapidly, and reached a very high level, cloisonne products is one of them. Cloisonne in the early days is royal imperial supplies. Its particularity also created its distinctive artistic characteristics. In the long history of Chinese arts and crafts, cloisonne pattern art, as an important part of Chinese traditional art, is the crystallization of wisdom rooted in the soil of Chinese regional culture. It is not only famous for its long history and distinctive characteristics, but also for its rich connotation and profound thoughts. This paper chooses cloisonne ornaments in Ming and Qing dynasties as the research object, using literature analysis, image research and typology methods, sorting out and analyzing the collection of cloisonne from Ming and Qing dynasties. At the same time, the inheritance of cloisonne decoration in modern design. Development as the purpose of analysis. First of all, the historical origin of cloisonne and detailed introduction of the unique art of cloisonne, and then the Ming and Qing dynasties cloisonne decorative patterns made a systematic arrangement and induction. Lead to this period of decorative art, followed by cloisonne patterns for the composition of the form of discussion. From the characteristics and aesthetic characteristics of cloisonne patterns in the Ming and Qing dynasties, through the development of the two generations of interactive analysis. In order to clarify the cultural transmission and variation between the Ming and Qing dynasties cloisonne decoration more complete decoration aesthetic characteristics. Finally from the inheritance of cloisonne decoration and modern design concept. This paper discusses the realistic significance of the development and innovation of cloisonne ornaments in modern design. At present, the nationalization of art has not disappeared with the tide of modernization and globalization. On the contrary, any art has been nurtured and inspired by its own culture. Today. Many artists and designers also take the initiative to learn from traditional art, combining modern and traditional, through an interactive exchange. As a result, the unique traditional art of various nationalities in all regions of the world has been paid more and more attention to and utilized in the contemporary design world.
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