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发布时间:2018-04-24 07:04

  本文选题:户外运动 + 户外运动参与者 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:人类的需求层次总是从最基本的生理、安全需求向社交、尊重和自我实现发展。休闲时代和体验时代的到来就是人们追求更高层次需求的表现,而其中最具代表性的就是人类为追求“发展”、“享受”而开展的户外运动。随着社会的发展,城市化、工业化的加剧,经济水平提高,越来越多的人不再仅仅满足于活着,他们更乐于回归自然,在冒险和刺激中体会成就感,获得自我价值的实现。相对于户外运动日渐盛行的现状,国内学术研究却相当匮乏,所以选择这个课题具有长效的理论和实践意义。 对消费的研究始终是经济学研究的核心内容之一。消费需求是经济发展的基础,也是推动我国经济增长的第一引擎,具体到户外运动来说,户外运动消费的规模、结构、质量和效益,从根本上决定了户外运动市场和产业的规模、结构、质量和效益,并指引着策略,离开消费需求谈户外运动市场、谈产业、谈政府相关法律政策、谈企业经营和营销都将是无土之木、无根之水。而随着人类的进化、社会的发展,影响消费的因素复杂多变,经济水平、人口结构、消费能力、环境条件、文化层次及消费理念等因素的改变都有可能改变消费结构和消费水平,最终导致相关市场和产业的变革。基于此,本文选取户外运动消费需求影响因素作为研究对象,以期为决策部门作出宏观决策提供理论资料,也为有效组织户外生产活动、规模化户外运动产业、促进户外运动用品市场和户外运动俱乐部的发展提供导向参考。 户外运动消费在性质上属于精神文化层次的消费,所以具体的要素系统应从广义的角度进行研究,不论是自然、经济、文化或者政治都会对其需求产生影响。经济快速发展,人们可支配收入和闲暇时间的增多,为户外运动的发展提供了前提条件;生活水平的提高、生活方式的改变以及对自然的认识和文化品位的提高,使人们对户外运动产生了主观意愿;城市化的加剧、竞争的激烈和生活压力的增加,迫使人们远离城市喧嚣、亲近自然、释放压力来获得精神慰藉,这成为户外运动发展的推动力;而户外运动与自然的天然联系也使得自然因素成为户外运动发展的客观条件;政府的关注、政策法律的逐渐完善、行业自律组织的引导成为户外运动健康有序发展的保障因素。 选择四川省作为具体的研究范围,主要是考虑到四川在户外运动四大影响因素中都具有十足的优势,不仅是西部地区经济发展的龙头省份、人们安居乐业的“天府之国”,还有开展户外运动得天独厚的自然资源、休闲的人文环境、多民族的特色等客观条件。而且四川是户外运动开展势头强劲、渐成规模的地区之一,但较之上海、北京等经济发达地区,相关理论研究还是空白。 本文主要采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、纵向分析和横向比较的方法、定性研究和定量研究相结合的方法,先从微观层面对四川省户外运动的参与者和潜在参与者发放调查问卷,分析影响其消费行为的具体因素,再将调查结果回归到四川省宏观层面上,通过对现有各个因素的分析,提出四川省户外运动消费需求未来的发展导向、存在的问题,并提出指导性建议。在内容的安排上,文章一共分为七大章。 第一章是文章的导论部分,首先概括性介绍了文章的研究背景,并阐述了研究的理论意义和实践意义;接着从研究内容和研究方法两方面对户外运动及户外运动消费的研究历程和现有成果进行了系统的梳理;最后归纳了文章的主要研究方法、文章的创新和不足之处。 第二章主要包括户外运动的概念界定和特征、户外运动项目的内容及分类、国内外户外运动的发展概况,使读者对本文所要研究的对象具有清晰的横向纵向认识。 第三章对户外运动产业、户外运动市场和户外运动消费间的区别和联动关系进行了分析,从户外消费对户外运动产业和市场的基础性影响表明本文立足户外运动消费进行研究的理论依据和现实指导意义所在。 第四章对户外消费理论进行了概述。主要针对户外消费需求理论、动机理论、行为理论以及影响因素做了介绍,为下一步微观、宏观实证分析提供依据和观点。 第五章是对户外运动消费需求微观层面的实证分析。通过对四川户外运动客源市场发放调查问卷,将研究对象分为户外运动参与者和户外运动潜在参与者,通过正反两方面的数据来证明第四章中关于户外消费影响因素的推论。针对户外运动参与者,分别从人口学特征、消费动机、消费行为特征、消费水平、俱乐部参与情况、参加技能培训情况、参与过程中的安全保障和环保情况等方面进行分析,得出影响人们参与户外运动的规律性结论。针对户外运动潜在参与者,则是从未能参加的原因、参加的条件和期望等方面进行分析,从反面来证明影响户外运动消费的因素。 第六章结合了上一章中的调查结果,立足四川的自然、人文、经济、政治四个方面对四川省户外运动消费需求的影响因素进行宏观分析,用理论反证现实,通过分析四川省在各因素方面的满足情况,为下一步提出四川省户外运动发展前景、趋势、问题和建议提供现实依据。鉴于户外运动与自然环境紧密结合的特性和四川得天独厚的自然优势,加上所有影响因素中经济因素占据了最主要的地位,所以在四个层面中又突出了自然环境因素和经济因系。 第七章是文章的结论部分,结合户外运动的发展沿革、未来发展趋势和潮流,以及之前各章从理论到实证、从微观到宏观所表现出来的四川省消费需求导向进行一一分析,提出了“泛专业化”、“家庭户外化”、“网络化”“高匹配性”、全民健身运动的拉动性、投资人力资本的形式、户外俱乐部旅行社化七个需求导向,在需求导向的指引下提出针对各个层面的建议和措施,以期达到本研究的目的——促进四川省户外运动和产业健康有序的发展。 纵观全文的研究结构,第二、三章是文章的理论铺垫,第四章提出文章的论点,第五章开始是文章的主体,第五章用事实论证论点,第六章结合了现实进行论点的引申和发展,第七章在以上论证的基础上得出结论,理论指导实践。 与以往的相关研究相比,本文较有新意的地方体现在以下几个方面:(1)研究方法创新。针对客源市场进行大样本统计分析的方法,理论与实证相结合,微观与宏观相结合,用数据来澄清许多被媒体大量报道的似是而非的问题;(2)视角创新。从户外运动80年代传入中国到2005年后国内学术研究的兴起,不管是现实发展还是理论研究,都更集中于产品的供给方——不论是组织或者企业的主观层面还是资源供给的客观层面,而构成市场的两大主体之一——户外运动产品和服务的消费者层面的研究却备受冷落,本文力争打破这种“唯市场论”、“唯供给论”,从需求出发,探讨消费动机和消费行为的影响因素,釜底抽薪的解决问题;(3)研究对象创新。针对四川省户外运动宏观微观因素进行全面的梳理分析,而此前对于四川省户外运动的研究基本还是空白;(4)研究结论创新。在微观宏观实证分析的基础上,紧跟时代发展,提出户外需求的七大发展导向,并针对性的提出现阶段消费需求下存在的问题和解决建议。 本文在调研对象选择、调研方法上尚有很多不足之处,而且需求是不断变化的,对其研究也应保持持久性和连续性。需求只是经济生活中最基础的研究,从需求到供给到市场再到产业,任重而道远,要达到理论指导实践所要做工作还很多。
[Abstract]:With the development of society , urbanization , the intensification of industrialization and the improvement of economic level , more and more people are more willing to return to nature and realize the realization of self - worth .

The research on consumption is always one of the core contents of economics research . Consumption demand is the basis of economic development , and it is the first engine to promote the economic growth of our country .

The consumption of outdoor sports belongs to the consumption of spiritual and cultural level in nature , so the specific element system should be studied in a broad sense , whether natural , economic , cultural or political will have an impact on its demand . The rapid economic development , people ' s disposable income and leisure time increase , provide the precondition for the development of outdoor sports ;
The improvement of the living standard , the change of the way of life and the improvement of the natural cognition and cultural taste make people have the subjective will to the outdoor movement ;
The intensification of urbanization , the fierce competition and the increase of living pressure force people to keep away from the noise of the city , close to nature , release the pressure to obtain spiritual comfort , which is the driving force for the development of outdoor sports ;
The natural relation between outdoor sports and nature makes natural factors the objective condition for the development of outdoor sports ;
The government ' s attention , the gradual perfection of the policy law , the guidance of the self - discipline organization in the industry have become the safeguard factor of the healthy and orderly development of outdoor sports .

Taking Sichuan as a concrete research scope , it is mainly taken into consideration that Sichuan has great advantages in the four influencing factors of outdoor sports , not only the leading province of economic development in the western region , but also the natural resources , the human environment and the characteristics of multi - nationality .

This paper mainly adopts the methods of literature , questionnaire , longitudinal analysis and lateral comparison , qualitative research and quantitative research . First , the participants and potential participants of the outdoor sports in Sichuan are distributed from the micro level to the questionnaire . Then the results are returned to the macro level of Sichuan Province . Through the analysis of the existing factors , the paper puts forward the development orientation and problems of the consumption demand of outdoor sports in Sichuan Province , and puts forward the guidance suggestion .

The first chapter is the introduction part of the article , firstly , introduces the background of the research , and expounds the theoretical significance and practical significance of the research ;
Secondly , the research process and existing achievements of outdoor sports and outdoor sports consumption are systematically reviewed from the aspects of research content and research methods .
Finally , the article summarizes the main research methods of the article , the innovation and deficiency of the article .

The second chapter mainly includes the concept definition and characteristics of outdoor sports , the content and classification of outdoor sports project , the development of outdoor sports at home and abroad , and gives readers a clear and horizontal understanding of the objects to be studied in this paper .

The third chapter analyzes the differences and linkage between outdoor sports industry , outdoor sports market and outdoor sports consumption . The basic influence of outdoor consumption on outdoor sports industry and market is the theoretical basis and practical significance of research on outdoor sports consumption .

The fourth chapter provides an overview of the theory of outdoor consumption , which mainly focuses on the theory of outdoor consumption demand , the motivation theory , the behavior theory and the influencing factors , and provides the basis and viewpoint for the next step of micro and macro demonstration analysis .

The fifth chapter is an empirical analysis of the micro level of the demand for outdoor sports consumption . The research object is divided into the outdoor sports participants and the outdoor sports potential participants through the data of the two sides .

The sixth chapter combines the findings in the previous chapter , based on the natural , human , economic and political aspects of Sichuan , analyzes the influencing factors of Sichuan ' s outdoor sports consumption demand , and provides realistic basis for the future development prospect , trend , problems and suggestions of Sichuan ' s outdoor sports .

The seventh chapter is the conclusion part of the article , combining with the development of outdoor sports , the development trend and trend of the future , as well as the previous chapters from the theory to the demonstration , from the micro to the macroscopic view of the consumption demand direction of Sichuan Province one by one analysis , put forward " pan specialization " , " family outdoor " , " network " " high matching sex " , national fitness sports activity , investment human capital form , outdoor club travel agent seven demand guidance , under the guidance of demand guidance , put forward the suggestions and measures for each level , in order to achieve the purpose of this research and promote the development of Sichuan outdoor sports and industry healthy orderly .

On the basis of the above arguments , the author concludes that the theory is guiding practice .

Compared with the previous research , this paper presents the following aspects : ( 1 ) The research method innovation . The method , the theory and the demonstration combination , the micro and the macro combination of the large sample statistical analysis of the passenger and source market are combined , and the data is used to clarify the plausible and non - existent problems of mass media coverage ;
( 2 ) From the 80 ' s of outdoor sports , the rise of domestic academic research , whether it is real or theoretical research , is more focused on the supply side of the product , whether it is the subjective aspect of the organization or the enterprise or the objective aspect of the supply of resources .
( 3 ) The research object innovation . Based on the comprehensive analysis of the macro - micro factors of the outdoor sports in Sichuan Province , the previous research on the outdoor sports of Sichuan Province is still blank ;
( 4 ) To study the innovation of conclusion . Based on the micro - macro - empirical analysis , the author puts forward the seven - key development orientation of outdoor demand , and puts forward some problems and suggestions for solving the present consumption demand .

There are many shortcomings in the research object selection and research methods , and the demand is changing continuously . The research should also keep the durability and continuity . The demand is only the most basic research in economic life .



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