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发布时间:2018-04-27 22:43

  本文选题:乡村旅游 + 农家乐 ; 参考:《南京农业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the late 1980s, with the rapid development of China's economy, rural tourism was developing rapidly at an unprecedented rate, and it also favored more and more urban tourists, becoming an integral part of the domestic tourism industry and exerting its great function for the further development of China's tourism industry. With the continuous improvement of the material life and spiritual life level of the urban residents in China, the desire for spiritual and cultural needs has become stronger and stronger. In addition, under the pressure of great life and work, the leisure and entertainment concept of many workers are gradually strengthened, and the rural tourism in the suburbs of the city is gradually becoming a city. However, there are many practical problems and difficulties in the flourishing development of rural tourism in China, such as "disordered" and "foreign land" in rural tourism management, which is also a direct result of some foreign investors, which are often obtained by some foreign investors. A vicious "blood pumping mechanism" has been directly affected by the economic development of rural tourism areas. The development and construction of rural tourism has been one of the themes that many researchers at home and abroad have paid close attention to. In recent years, rural tourism is a manifestation of rural tourism, more affected by urban residents, and is also being strong. In spite of the difference in the speed and quantity of rural family music development in all provinces and cities in China, there is a lack of complete and systematic theory of agricultural tourism product development, which leads to the low grade of rural tourism products and low grade in some areas, which can not really satisfy the increasing number of tourists in cities and towns. In addition, the "bad development" direction and mode of rural tourism, such as rural music, also violates the guiding ideology of the new rural construction in our country, is also not conducive to the process of the new rural construction. Therefore, it is necessary to carry on the deepening of the coordinated development of the "farm music" and the new rural construction. Theoretical research, in order to realize the health and sustainable development of rural tourism in China, has made a positive contribution to the construction of the new rural construction in China. Although rural tourism can play a greater role in promoting the economic development of the local rural areas, it is limited by the conditions of the rural residents in all regions of our country and the cultural quality. The influence of the lower factors and the restrictions on the system of rural tourism in China have not been perfected, which directly leads to the problems of rural residents in the development of rural tourism, the lower participation in the development process, the limited participation in the distribution of income, and the failure to really give full play to the development of the local rural economy. Therefore, on the basis of the experience of foreign countries, the author makes a case study of rural residents' participation in rural tourism in Jiang Ba Town, Jiangsu Province, and finds out the problems existing in the process of rural residents' participation in rural tourism, and analyzes them deeply, with a view to constructing the mode of rural residents' participation in tourism development. To make effective and feasible participation principles, to further promote the awareness of the participation of rural residents, to solve the problem of rural residents' employment rate, so that rural residents can benefit the tourism industry and realize the ultimate goal of developing rural tourism. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part: the significance of this study, the method of research. The two part: the theoretical basis. This chapter defines the concept of community, rural tourism, rural residents' participation in tourism development, and the importance of rural residents' participation in rural tourism development as well as the advantages and constraints of rural residents participating in rural tourism. The third part: investigation and statistics Taking Jiang Ba town as an example, this chapter investigates and analyzes the status of rural tourism in the town of Jiang Ba Town, the rural residents' participation in rural tourism and the existing problems in the town. The fourth part is the participation pattern and the development mechanism. This chapter is on the mode of rural residents' participation in the development of rural tourism in Jiang Ba Town, Jiangsu, and its participation in the main position and function. The analysis is made and the relationship between the various participants in the development of rural tourism in Jiang Ba Town, the mechanism of the local rural tourism development and the type of rural tourism are studied in Jiang Ba town. The fifth part: conclusion and suggestion. This chapter is a summary of the full text, and expounds the deficiencies in the study and the future research direction; and at the same time, Some suggestions are put forward to fully realize the participation of rural residents in local rural tourism development activities.



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