本文选题:中原城市群 + 旅游产业竞争力 ; 参考:《哈尔滨商业大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:作为朝阳产业的旅游产业在现如今发展迅速,已经成为全世界规模最大、发展速度最快、关联带动作用最强的新兴产业之一,越来越多的国家和地区把促进旅游产业发展作为地区经济增长的关键点。在我国,旅游产业经过1978年改革开放以来20多年的稳步发展,已经成为国民经济中新的增长点和第三产业中的优势产业。近10年来,中国旅游产业增长强劲,中国已经成为发展速度最快、对全球旅游业发展格局影响最大的国家。其中在我国国内各个地区发展旅游过程当中,由于每个区域的经济基础和旅游资源都不尽相同,这就形成了不同的竞争力水平,而一个区域旅游产业的竞争力水平的高低对该区域旅游产业的发展有着很重要的作用。 中原城市群作为中华民族和历史文明的发祥地之一,是中国古代政治、经济和文化中心,四季分明、地貌种类多样,气候适宜适合多种生物的生长,旅游资源种类繁多且丰富。但是中原城市群旅游产业实力却不如想象中好,本文以中原城市群为研究对象,并选取了其他四个城市群作为比较对象,通过运用因子分析方法对所选取指标做定量比较分析,以此对中原城市群旅游产业在本文所选取的五个城市群中的排名有大体的了解,并找出了中原城市群旅游产业与其他四个城市群的差距,进而找到切实可靠的方法和途径来提升中原城市群旅游产业竞争力,发掘出中原城市群旅游产业的竞争潜力,把中原城市群旅游产业目前所拥有的资源优势转化为竞争优势,即增强中原城市群旅游产业的竞争力。 本文通过对所选数据的分析,得出中原城市群在所选的五个城市群中位居第四名,其中基础竞争力较其他发达城市群还是有一定的差距,表现为相对落后,这主要是中原城市群在信息文化方面和社会信息方面竞争力水平相对较低引起的,但是经济水平还是相对可以的,也就是说中原城市群要想又快又好的发展旅游产业就必须将基础和核心竞争力共同抓。最后本文针对相应的定量和定性分析,对中原城市群旅游产业竞争力提出了对策,包括中原城市群应采取什么样的措施来发展其旅游业,提升其竞争力已弥补它的不足。从中原城市群的角度分析其竞争力,是研究城市群旅游产业竞争力的一次实践之举,既丰富了城市群旅游产业竞争力的研究,又对日后增强和提高中原城市群旅游产业竞争力有着重要的理论和现实意义。
[Abstract]:The tourism industry, as a sunrise industry, has now developed rapidly and has become one of the emerging industries with the largest scale, the fastest growth rate and the strongest connection and driving force in the world. More and more countries and regions regard promoting the development of tourism industry as the key point of regional economic growth. In China, the tourism industry has been developing steadily for more than 20 years since the reform and opening up in 1978, and has become a new growth point in the national economy and an advantage industry in the tertiary industry. Over the past decade, China's tourism industry has grown strongly, and China has become the fastest growing country with the greatest impact on the global tourism development pattern. In the process of developing tourism in various regions of China, because the economic base and tourism resources of each region are different, this has resulted in different levels of competitiveness. The level of competitiveness of a regional tourism industry plays an important role in the development of the regional tourism industry. As one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation and historical civilization, the Central Plains Urban agglomeration is the center of ancient Chinese politics, economy and culture, with distinct seasons, diverse landforms, suitable climate for the growth of many kinds of living things, and a wide variety of tourist resources. However, the tourism industry strength of the urban agglomeration in the Central Plains is not as good as that in imagination. This paper takes the Central Plains Urban agglomeration as the research object, and selects the other four urban agglomerations as the comparative objects, and makes a quantitative comparative analysis of the selected indexes by using the method of factor analysis. In this paper, we have a general understanding of the ranking of the tourism industry in the five urban agglomerations selected in this paper, and find out the gap between the tourism industry of the urban agglomerations in the Central Plains and the other four urban agglomerations. Then we can find practical and reliable ways to enhance the competitiveness of tourism industry in Central Plains urban agglomeration, explore the competitive potential of tourism industry in Central Plains urban agglomeration, and transform the resource advantage of tourism industry of Central Plains urban agglomeration into competitive advantage. That is, to enhance the competitiveness of the tourism industry of the Central Plains Urban agglomeration. Based on the analysis of the selected data, this paper concludes that the Central Plains urban agglomeration ranks fourth among the five selected urban agglomerations, in which there is still a certain gap between the basic competitiveness and other developed urban agglomerations, which shows that they are relatively backward. This is mainly caused by the relatively low level of competitiveness of the Central Plains urban agglomeration in terms of information culture and social information, but the economic level is still relatively acceptable. In other words, in order to develop tourism industry quickly and well, Zhongyuan urban agglomeration must grasp the foundation and core competitiveness together. Finally, according to the corresponding quantitative and qualitative analysis, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to the competitiveness of tourism industry in the Central Plains urban agglomeration, including what measures should be taken to develop its tourism industry and improve its competitiveness to make up for its deficiency. Analyzing the competitiveness of the urban agglomeration from the perspective of the Central Plains is a practical move to study the competitiveness of the tourism industry of the urban agglomeration, which enriches the study of the competitiveness of the tourism industry of the urban agglomeration. It also has important theoretical and practical significance to strengthen and improve the competitiveness of tourism industry in Central Plains urban agglomeration in the future.
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