发布时间:2018-09-18 11:38
[Abstract]:Taking Tiantangzhai tourist area of Anhui Province as a case study, this paper makes use of in-depth interview, system text analysis and typical case analysis to study the types and formation mechanism of the disempowerment of community residents in the initial stage of mountain tourism development in China's political and economic background. The results show that the development of tourism in mountainous areas has great influence on the production and living space, the use of natural resources, and the acquisition of information for community residents. There are five aspects of tourism benefit and tourism participation. 2 the forming mechanism of tourism development to community residents is the government development strategy and system design. Community elitist relationship network and residents' social and economic conditions and social support. This study reveals the process and mechanism of multiple community interest groups to unite with each other to disown the rights of community residents. The policy suggestion is to strengthen administrative supervision and timely release of relevant information on tourism development through perfecting the way of assessing the performance of government officials, and releasing relevant information on tourism development in a timely manner. Strengthen the capacity building of resident tourism participation, make this kind of tourism development policy play better effect.
【作者单位】: 山东大学(威海)商学院;世新大学管理学院观光学系;安徽师范大学国土资源与旅游学院;
【基金】:山东省社会科学规划课题(09CSHZ11) 山东大学教学改革项目(B201112)
[Abstract]:Taking Tiantangzhai tourist area of Anhui Province as a case study, this paper makes use of in-depth interview, system text analysis and typical case analysis to study the types and formation mechanism of the disempowerment of community residents in the initial stage of mountain tourism development in China's political and economic background. The results show that the development of tourism in mountainous areas has great influence on the production and living space, the use of natural resources, and the acquisition of information for community residents. There are five aspects of tourism benefit and tourism participation. 2 the forming mechanism of tourism development to community residents is the government development strategy and system design. Community elitist relationship network and residents' social and economic conditions and social support. This study reveals the process and mechanism of multiple community interest groups to unite with each other to disown the rights of community residents. The policy suggestion is to strengthen administrative supervision and timely release of relevant information on tourism development through perfecting the way of assessing the performance of government officials, and releasing relevant information on tourism development in a timely manner. Strengthen the capacity building of resident tourism participation, make this kind of tourism development policy play better effect.
【作者单位】: 山东大学(威海)商学院;世新大学管理学院观光学系;安徽师范大学国土资源与旅游学院;
【基金】:山东省社会科学规划课题(09CSHZ11) 山东大学教学改革项目(B201112)
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