发布时间:2018-09-18 12:32
【摘要】:当今,由于旅游者生活水平的提高和生活方式的转变,传统的旅游信息服务模式已经不能满足其需求,旅游者对旅游服务的个性化要求愈来愈多。移动通信技术的发展,特别是移动终端如手机、掌上电脑、无线笔记本电脑等的普遍应用,促进了移动服务和个性化服务的理念在旅游业中融合,这必将带来旅游信息服务的巨大发展,从而推进国家的旅游信息化建设。由此可见,运用移动通信技术来解决旅游信息服务中的个性化服务问题是旅游信息服务发展的大趋势。 本文在前人研究的基础上,提出了移动旅游个性化信息服务的概念。在对旅游者信息行为与旅游动机决策的理论研究基础上,,以旅游者基于移动终端的个性化信息服务需求为因变量,以绩效期望、努力期望、社会影响、促成因素、个性化情景因素,个体创新性、感知风险为自变量,在UTAUT模型的基础上建立新的理论模型,并提出相关假设。通过问卷发放,用SPSS17.0统计软件对回收数据进行分析,得出旅游者移动个性化信息服务需求趋势,据此建立了移动旅游个性化信息服务系统。 本研究表明:在内容方面,旅游者处在不同旅游阶段对于个性化信息服务的需求是不同的,由于旅游移动终端的特性,旅游者对基于兴趣、时间、位置的个性化信息服务需求的使用整体都在增加,特别是旅游前和旅游中的个性化需求趋势明显。从影响因素方面:社会影响、绩效期望、努力期望、个性化情景、个体创新性等因素能够正向影响到旅游者的个性化信息服务需求,感知风险则负向影响此需求。本文的主要贡献是考虑了时序、空间等因素,在旅游者基于移动终端个性化信息需求的具体内容与影响因素的基础上,从用户角色与服务机构角色两个角度,构建并分析了移动旅游个性化信息服务系统。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, due to the improvement of tourists' living standard and the change of life style, the traditional tourism information service mode can not meet their needs, and tourists have more and more individualized demands for tourism services. The development of mobile communication technology, especially the widespread application of mobile terminals such as mobile phones, handheld computers, wireless notebook computers, has promoted the integration of the concepts of mobile services and personalized services in the tourism industry. This will bring great development of tourism information service, thus promoting the construction of national tourism information. It can be seen that the application of mobile communication technology to solve the problem of personalized tourism information services is the main trend of the development of tourism information services. On the basis of previous studies, this paper puts forward the concept of personalized information service for mobile tourism. On the basis of the theoretical research on tourists' information behavior and tourism motivation decision, this paper takes the demand of tourists' personalized information service based on mobile terminal as dependent variable, takes performance expectation, effort expectation, social influence and contributing factors as dependent variables. Individualized situational factors, individual innovation and perceived risk are independent variables. Based on the UTAUT model, a new theoretical model is established, and relevant assumptions are put forward. Through the questionnaire distribution and the analysis of the recovery data by SPSS17.0 statistical software, the demand trend of the tourists' mobile personalized information service is obtained, and the mobile tourism personalized information service system is established accordingly. This study shows that: in terms of content, tourists at different stages of tourism for personalized information services are different, because of the characteristics of tourism mobile terminals, tourists based on interest, time, The demand for personalized information service of location is increasing, especially the trend of individualized demand before and during travel. From the aspects of influencing factors: social impact, performance expectation, effort expectation, individualized situation, individual innovation and other factors can positively affect tourists' demand for personalized information services, while perceived risk negatively affects this demand. The main contribution of this paper is to consider the timing, space and other factors, on the basis of the specific content and influence factors of tourists' personalized information demand based on mobile terminal, from the user role and service organization role two angles. The individualized information service system of mobile tourism is constructed and analyzed.
[Abstract]:Nowadays, due to the improvement of tourists' living standard and the change of life style, the traditional tourism information service mode can not meet their needs, and tourists have more and more individualized demands for tourism services. The development of mobile communication technology, especially the widespread application of mobile terminals such as mobile phones, handheld computers, wireless notebook computers, has promoted the integration of the concepts of mobile services and personalized services in the tourism industry. This will bring great development of tourism information service, thus promoting the construction of national tourism information. It can be seen that the application of mobile communication technology to solve the problem of personalized tourism information services is the main trend of the development of tourism information services. On the basis of previous studies, this paper puts forward the concept of personalized information service for mobile tourism. On the basis of the theoretical research on tourists' information behavior and tourism motivation decision, this paper takes the demand of tourists' personalized information service based on mobile terminal as dependent variable, takes performance expectation, effort expectation, social influence and contributing factors as dependent variables. Individualized situational factors, individual innovation and perceived risk are independent variables. Based on the UTAUT model, a new theoretical model is established, and relevant assumptions are put forward. Through the questionnaire distribution and the analysis of the recovery data by SPSS17.0 statistical software, the demand trend of the tourists' mobile personalized information service is obtained, and the mobile tourism personalized information service system is established accordingly. This study shows that: in terms of content, tourists at different stages of tourism for personalized information services are different, because of the characteristics of tourism mobile terminals, tourists based on interest, time, The demand for personalized information service of location is increasing, especially the trend of individualized demand before and during travel. From the aspects of influencing factors: social impact, performance expectation, effort expectation, individualized situation, individual innovation and other factors can positively affect tourists' demand for personalized information services, while perceived risk negatively affects this demand. The main contribution of this paper is to consider the timing, space and other factors, on the basis of the specific content and influence factors of tourists' personalized information demand based on mobile terminal, from the user role and service organization role two angles. The individualized information service system of mobile tourism is constructed and analyzed.
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