[Abstract]:The National University of Seoul, South Korea, and the French National Library of Paris have an anachronistic and a similar photo of the Yellow River and the Yellow River. The two pictures depict the general trend of the Yellow River and the two rivers in the middle period of Kangxi, highlighting the water conservancy projects in the canal of the end reaches of the Yellow River and the Lixia River in the south of the Yangtze River, and reflecting the river governance situation of Dong an, the governor of the Middle Kangxi River. Make up for the missing of the water conservancy chart of Kangxi River Canal in China. In form, it inherits the pattern of the Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty, and carries the two rivers into a picture, which reflects the diversity of the water conservancy map of the Kangxi Dynasty and plays an important role in the history of the map and the history of the water conservancy in the Qing Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 西北大学西北历史研究所;
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