[Abstract]:Forest park's superior natural resources and good ecological environment are ideal places for health tourism. Making full use of resources to develop tourism products is an important way to increase the attraction and competitiveness of forest park tourism and to realize the sustainable development of tourism. Based on the theoretical and practical research and product type analysis on the development of forest park health tourism products in China, it is concluded that there is still a social awareness to be improved in the development of forest park health tourism products, and the product development is single. The construction of health tourism infrastructure is not perfect, which may have a negative impact on the ecological environment of forest parks. On the basis of fully considering the combination of development and protection, tourists' demand-oriented, adapting measures to local conditions, characteristic development, step by step development and other principles of developing health tourism products, the brand and product types of health preservation tourism in forest parks are innovated. Some suggestions and strategies are put forward in this paper, such as the innovation of marketing strategy, the improvement of infrastructure construction and the development of ecological protection measures for health preservation tourism products.
【作者单位】: 东北林业大学野生动物资源学院;东北林业大学文法学院;
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