本文选题:玉米期货价格 + 价格功能 ; 参考:《东北财经大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Futures trading comes into being on the basis of a single spot trading no longer adapts to the development of modern commodity economy. Since 2011, the global economy is in a downward phase. The development of the economy is in a turbulent environment. Futures are the important financial instruments to find and avoid risks, and the importance of economic development is not said. As a big agricultural country, the development of agriculture is related to the livelihood of the whole country. The research and adjustment of agricultural economic development has been the most important of the economic development of our country. Corn is the important grain in economic development. Food crops, feed raw materials and deep processed raw materials are the largest agricultural products in China, the largest consumption amount and the longest time in the market. At the same time, it is also the most active agricultural product futures in the world. As a result of the implementation of a series of policies on agricultural production and the development of animal husbandry, the demand for corn has been growing continuously, this is this The main reasons for the research are the selection of maize futures. The research activities of futures market are mainly focused on the research of futures market effectiveness, the price discovery function of futures market, the study of futures market hedging, the risk premium of futures market and the futures market price. The results of these studies have been more thorough and have strong pertinence and maneuverability. If there is still omission or absence, it is still to be perfected in the study of the overall function of the futures market. This paper intends to make the futures market effective, the futures market price discovery function and the function of the futures market. The price prediction of the futures market is combined to carry out the relevance study in order to help understand the direction of the futures market development, to predict the risk of the future market development and to adjust the distribution of the spot market resources in advance and to reduce the price risk caused by the adverse changes in the price. The futures market price prediction is actually the futures market. A characteristic of price function is based on a large number of past and current available futures and spot prices, after a certain number of data processing and transformation, a reasonable prediction of future futures prices by using the corresponding prediction model. Because of the important role of futures price prediction in the futures market, this article is in the futures market. On the basis of the relevance analysis of the futures market price discovery and the futures market price prediction, the paper focuses on the in-depth analysis of the price prediction of the futures market, and then perfected this paper. The first step, on the basis of looking up the material of the corn market, discusses the corn futures market and the jade. The development status of the rice spot market and the related theory of the futures market. The second step is to select the weekly closing price of the main contract of maize futures in the historical transaction data of the Dalian Mercantile Exchange from January 6, 2011 to June 30, 2016 and the national corn and oil price monitoring system in the national grain and oil price monitoring system in the national grain and oil price monitoring system. The application of the second step is to deal with the corresponding data. The validity of corn futures market and the price discovery function of corn futures market are analyzed by Johansen cointegration test and Granger causality test. The results show that the corn futures market is weak and effective, and the price of corn futures is in the dominant position in the price discovery function. The third step is for corn futures. The future value of the price data is predicted and the state space model is tested. The results are compared with the result of the difference processing to make the time data turned into a stable ARIMA model. It is proved that the prediction results of the state space model originated in the field of engineering control are more widely used than the time data prediction. The prediction results of the ARIMA model in the field are more accurate. At the end of the article, the full text is summed up. First, it is emphasized that the state space model is more accurate than the ARIMA model which is used in depth. The relative error of the prediction result of the state space model is about 2%, and the deviation of the prediction value from the real value of the state space model is explained. In the reasonable interval, the relative deviation is still very large, the fundamental reason is the imperfect spot market development. In view of the above problems, the development and improvement of the futures market in China are put forward by developing the spot market of corn, perfecting the supervision mode of the futures market, strengthening the information disclosure, reducing the government intervention and relaxing the market penetration mechanism. The policy recommendations of the field.
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