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发布时间:2019-05-06 11:11
[Abstract]:February 13, 2012, the China Financial Futures Exchange Treasury bond futures simulation trading networking test officially launched, 8 financial institutions participated in the first round of networking testing. Just more than two months later, on April 23, simulation trading began to market-wide, Treasury futures again into the public eye. On the basis of an empirical study on the liquidity of the spot market of Chinese treasury bonds, this paper objectively analyzes that the shortage of liquidity in the spot market may bring potential adverse effects to the future treasury bond futures market. At the same time, further research shows that, although the potential risks exist objectively, the adverse effects in the actual operation are completely controllable, and the future treasury bond futures market can maintain a stable operation.
【作者单位】: 北京大学光华管理学院博士后流动站;


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8 孙s,




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