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发布时间:2018-02-08 17:41

  本文关键词: 新型城镇化塘沽湾新城 城市设计 城市规划 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the level of urbanization in China has developed rapidly. In 1978, the urbanization rate was 17.9 percent, with an average annual increase of one percentage point. In 2013, the urbanization rate had reached a level of 53.7%. At the same time, the number of cities has increased from 193 to 657. However, up to now, almost every city has proposed vigorously developing industries, industrial parks and corresponding new cities. And most of these new towns and industrial parks are invested by the government. While promoting local and even national economic growth, these government-led urbanization processes are accompanied by serious ecological damage and inadequate supporting facilities. There are a series of problems, such as the serious shortage of financial support. In this context, the voice of promoting urbanization by using market forces is getting stronger and stronger. It is in this context that new types of urbanization emerge as the times require. In the context of the new urbanization being promoted to the national strategy, it also provides a realistic possibility and operational space for enterprises to participate in the new-type urbanization, which can give full play to the market forces. Mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate in the new urbanization. At the same time, The integration strategy of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei has risen to the national level and the process of urbanization in Binhai New area, a state-level new area, is also gradually accelerating. As a state-owned enterprise with social mission, Chinese Architecture has actively cooperated with the Binhai New area Government to develop Tanggu Bay New Town. This paper mainly studies the participation of China Construction Xintang Company (China Construction subsidiary) in the development and construction of Tanggu Bay New Town. It also participates in the planning, planning and positioning of Tanggu Bay New City, and analyzes in detail the steps, research process, factors to be considered in the planning of the new town. The traffic system and the surrounding economy and ecology are comprehensively analyzed, and the experience of regional planning (Greenwich Peninsula, New Jiangwan City, Zhongxin Ecological City) with similar regional characteristics at home and abroad is used for reference by using SWOT analysis method. Aiming at Tanggu Bay New Town, this paper puts forward the planning orientation of "compound function high-end residential city" and the concrete plan implementation countermeasure and suggestion.


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