[Abstract]:The problem of regional economic difference in Shandong Province is an important issue that needs attention and attention. It is also an important content of promoting the overall healthy and sustainable development of regional economy. At present, the regional economic decision of Shandong Province has a tendency of expanding the sex difference. The relative difference is decreasing slowly. Because of the difference of the regional tourism economic development condition and the economic development environment, the tourism economy presents the ladder development trend. At the same time, the difference of tourism economic development between land and coastal areas in Shandong Province is gradually narrowing. Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention to the development difference of regional tourism economy in Shandong Province. Accordingly, it puts forward the effective countermeasures to promote the rapid progress and development of regional tourism economy in Shandong Province. Starting with the brief introduction of regional tourism economic differences in Shandong Province, this paper comprehensively analyzes the evolution of regional economic development, the differences in regional economic spatial development, and the differences in tourism economy between coastal and inland areas. This paper puts forward some countermeasures such as developing regional tourism cooperation, speeding up the upgrading of tourism products and improving the reception capacity.
【作者单位】: 济南大学商学院;
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