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发布时间:2018-11-05 18:40
【摘要】:目的基于卫生人力资源配置的相关理论,从人口、区域、经济的角度分析“十二五”期间我国卫生技术人员分布的时空变化及其公平性,综合评价我国卫生技术人员公平性状况,为提升我国卫生技术人员配置公平性提供科学合理的政策建议。方法通过文献回顾法进行理论分析,借助EXCEL 2016软件建立卫生技术人员数据库,运用基尼系数、泰尔指数、集中指数对我国卫生技术人员的公平性进行评价。结果1、“十二五”期间我国卫生技术人员总数不断攀升,注册护士的数量与提升幅度大于执业(助理)医师。全国每千人口卫生技术人员数、执业(助理)医师数与注册护士数均呈上升趋势。2、“十二五”期间我国卫生技术人员的女性总量明显多于男性,注册护士男女比例差异较大;除了执业(助理)医师外,其他卫生技术人员的年龄结构更趋向于年轻化;学历层次逐步提高,但研究生及以上学历较少;拥有高级职称的卫生技术人员比例较少,拥有中级职称的注册护士比例降低相对明显。3、我国卫生技术人员配置公平性分析:“十二五”期间,我国不同类别卫生技术人员配置的基尼系数低于0.2,均呈下降趋势,说明我国卫生技术人员按人口分布的整体公平性有所提高;注册护士的基尼系数相对较高,表明其公平性相对较低。卫生技术人员、执业(助理)医师、注册护士的总泰尔指数及组内贡献率均呈现下降趋势,三项指标的泰尔指数贡献率均是组内大于组间,说明“十二五”期间我国卫生技术人员配置的总体差异及区域内的不公平性逐渐降低,不公平性问题主要由区域内的差异所导致;我国卫生技术人员、执业(助理)医师、注册护士的集中指数均大于0,总体呈缩小趋势,说明“十二五”期间我国卫生技术人员配置主要集中在经济发展较好的区域且公平性逐步上升。结论1、“十二五”期间我国卫生技术人员总量增长明显,队伍趋向年轻化,学历构成日趋合理,但城乡间配置差距仍较大。2、卫生技术人员按人口、区域、经济分布的整体公平性较好,公平性有所提高,更多的不公平是由区域内的差异造成。3、从科学制定卫生人力规划、优化卫生教育体系以及调节供需平衡等角度促进我国卫生技术人员健康发展。
[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the temporal and spatial changes and fairness of the distribution of health technicians in China during the 12th Five-Year Plan from the point of view of population, region and economy, based on the relevant theories of the allocation of health human resources. In order to improve the fairness of health technical personnel allocation in China, a scientific and reasonable policy proposal was provided to comprehensively evaluate the fairness of health technical personnel in China. Methods based on the literature review, the database of health technicians was established with the help of EXCEL 2016 software. The fairness of health technicians in China was evaluated by Gini coefficient, Thiel index and centralized index. Results 1. During the 12th Five-Year Plan, the total number of health technicians in China continued to rise, and the number and promotion of registered nurses was greater than that of practicing (assistant) doctors. The number of health technicians, assistant doctors and registered nurses per 1,000 people in China is on the rise. 2. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the total number of female health technicians in China was obviously higher than that of men. There is a big difference between male and female registered nurses. In addition to practicing (assistant) doctors, the age structure of other health technicians tends to be younger; The proportion of health technicians with senior professional titles is relatively small, and the proportion of registered nurses with intermediate titles has decreased relatively significantly. 3. An analysis of the fairness of the allocation of health technical personnel in China: during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, The Gini coefficient of different types of health technicians in China was lower than 0.2, which indicated that the overall fairness of the distribution of health technicians in China was improved. The Gini coefficient of registered nurses was relatively high, indicating that their fairness was relatively low. The total Tyr index and in-group contribution rate of health technicians, practicing (assistant) doctors and registered nurses all showed a downward trend, and the contribution rate of the three indexes was larger than that of inter-group. During the 12th Five-Year Plan, the overall difference in the allocation of health technical personnel and the unfairness in the region were gradually reduced, and the unfairness problem was mainly caused by the differences within the region. The concentration indices of health technicians, medical practitioners and registered nurses are all greater than 0, and the overall trend is decreasing. During the 12th Five-Year Plan, the allocation of health technical personnel in China was mainly concentrated in the areas with better economic development and the equity gradually increased. Conclusion 1. During the 12th Five-Year Plan, the total number of health technicians in China increased obviously, the ranks tended to be younger, and the educational background composition became more and more reasonable, but the distribution gap between urban and rural areas was still large. The overall fairness of economic distribution is better, the fairness has been improved, and more unfairness is caused by regional differences. 3. From the scientific formulation of health manpower planning, Optimize the health education system and adjust the balance of supply and demand to promote the healthy development of Chinese health technicians.


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