发布时间:2018-02-10 06:15
本文关键词: 票据 善意取得 票据流通性 出处:《厦门大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:票据作为商事交易发展的产物,适应规模化交易所需的效率与便捷。票据是一种完全的有价证券,票据权利与票据占有不可分割,票据权利的行使以票据为基础,只有持票人向票据付款人提示票据才能受领票据金额,票据权利的行使与票据的持有不可分割。这使得票据的善意取得显得尤为必要。 动产的善意取得发展于日耳曼法的“以手护手”原则,各国民法多有涉及,无论是立法发展情况还是学术研究都很成熟。票据虽然是动产的一种,但票据自身的一些特点与性质决定了票据权利不同于一般的动产权利,那么它的善意取得是否可以直接援引一般动产善意取得来适用?本文着重讨论票据适用善意取得的正当性以及就该正当性作出引申。 全文在考量民法善意取得制度设计的基础上,从票据自有性质出发,以追求票据流通发挥票据应有功能为主线、以票据基本性质为支撑、以票据价值取向为目标,从票据善意取得的可能性和必要性两方面来分析出票据善意取得的正当性。 本文第一章对一般动产善意取得的渊源、概念、成立要件、立法价值进行概述,并由此引申出票据的善意取得。 本文第二章进行票据善意取得的可能性分析,即分析善意取得为何能够适用于票据领域。可能性分析主要从两方面来进行:一是讨论票据善意取得的经验基础,即既有的成功先例;二是从票据的基本性质角度出发,分析票据的有价证券性质、流通性等,说明可能性的逻辑根基。 本文第三章进行票据善意取得的必要性分析,即分析善意取得在票据上的适用是一种逻辑必然。必要性分析的主线是商法价值取向与基本原则,第一节将概括说明这种必要性是商法价值及原则的内在要求,第二节将商法价值取向与基本原则具体细化,从交易效益与交易安全两方面出发,说明必要性乃市场交易的内在要求。 本文第四章将票据善意取得正当性的进一步引申,着重讨论我国票据善意取得制度的现实状况,并给予启示与建议。
[Abstract]:As the product of the development of commercial transaction, bill is an efficient and convenient way to meet the needs of large-scale transaction. Bill is a kind of completely marketable securities, and the right of bill is inseparable from the possession of bill, and the exercise of bill right is based on bill. Only when the bearer prompts the bill to the drawee can he receive the amount of the bill, and the exercise of the right to the bill is inseparable from the holding of the bill, which makes the bona fide acquisition of the bill particularly necessary. The bona fide acquisition of movable property is developed from the principle of "protecting hands by hand" in Germanic law, which is mostly involved in civil law of various countries, both in terms of legislative development and academic research. Bill is a kind of movable property. However, some characteristics and nature of the instrument itself determine that the bill right is different from the ordinary movable property right, so can its bona fide acquisition be applied directly by invoking the ordinary movable property bona fide acquisition? This paper focuses on the legitimacy of bona fide acquisition and its extension. On the basis of considering the design of bona fide acquisition system in civil law, starting from the nature of the bill, the main line of the paper is to pursue the negotiable instrument circulation to play its due function, to support the basic nature of the bill, and to take the value orientation of the bill as the goal. The legitimacy of bona fide acquisition of bill is analyzed from two aspects: possibility and necessity of bona fide acquisition of bill. The first chapter summarizes the origin, concept, essential elements and legislative value of bona fide acquisition of ordinary movable property, and derives from it the bona fide acquisition of bills. The second chapter is to analyze the possibility of bona fide acquisition of negotiable instruments, that is, to analyze why bona fide acquisition can be applied to the field of bill. The possibility analysis is mainly carried out from two aspects: one is to discuss the empirical basis of bona fide acquisition of bills. The second is to analyze the nature and circulation of negotiable securities from the point of view of the basic nature of the bill, to explain the logical basis of the possibility. The third chapter analyzes the necessity of bona fide acquisition of negotiable instruments, that is to say, it is a logical necessity to analyze the application of bona fide acquisition in bills. The main line of necessity analysis is the value orientation and basic principles of commercial law. The first section will generalize that this necessity is the intrinsic requirement of the commercial law value and principle, the second section will detail the commercial law value orientation and the basic principle, from the transaction benefit and the transaction security two aspects, The necessity is the inherent requirement of market transaction. In Chapter 4th, the author further extends the legitimacy of bona fide acquisition of bills, and discusses the current situation of bona fide acquisition of bills in China, and gives some enlightenment and suggestions.
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