本文关键词: 武汉市 以房养老 养老模式 政府主导 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在人口老龄化加剧、预期寿命提高、空巢家庭增加等因素的影响下,养老金收支缺口问题日益加重,传统的家庭养老功能日趋减弱,改革创新养老保障体系,扩展新的养老资金来源成为养老保障领域的研究重点。“以房养老”作为新型的养老保障模式,可以通过提高住宅不动产的流动性来增加老年人的可支配收入,在一定程度上有助于缓解养老压力,具有较强的现实意义。 论文以生命周期理论、家庭财富代际转移理论和资产流动理论为理论基础,运用问卷分析法、文献研究法和比较分析法等研究方法对适宜武汉发展的“以房养老”模式进行深入研究。对以往国内外关于以房养老的研究成果进行全面梳理,提出研究思路和方法;对美国、新加坡和英国的“以房养老”实践模式进行比较研究,提出对我国的经验借鉴与启示。在武汉市老龄化程度加剧、四二一家庭及“空巢化”老人增加、社会保障养老金缺口增大以及养老金水平低而养老服务产品价格高等因素的影响下,武汉市推行以房养老模式的必要性日益凸显。虽然武汉市在政策环境、金融市场规模、房地产市场发展以及老年人的参与意愿等方面具备了推行以房养老制度的有利条件,但是传统观念束缚、配套政策不完善、相关实施机构的缺失和潜在经济风险带来的不确定性等因素的影响,武汉市推行以房养老制度仍然存在一定困难与风险。因此,武汉市应建立以政府为主导的“以房养老”模式,,坚持公益性和补充性原则,设立相关配套机构与配套政策,提供多元化以房养老方式,注重对参与老人的人文关怀,强化以房养老模式的风险防范与管理。
[Abstract]:Under the influence of the aging of the population, the increase of life expectancy and the increase of empty nest families, the gap of pension income and expenditure is becoming more and more serious, the traditional family pension function is weakening day by day, and the old-age security system has been reformed and innovated. Expanding new sources of pension funds has become the focus of research in the field of old-age security. As a new mode of old-age security, "housing for the aged" can increase the disposable income of the elderly by improving the mobility of residential real estate. To a certain extent, it helps to ease the pressure on the aged, and has a strong practical significance. Based on life cycle theory, family wealth intergenerational transfer theory and asset flow theory, the paper uses questionnaire analysis. The methods of literature research and comparative analysis are used to deeply study the model of "providing for the aged by house", which is suitable for Wuhan's development. The author makes a comprehensive analysis of the previous research results on the "housing for the aged" at home and abroad, and puts forward the research ideas and methods. This paper makes a comparative study on the practical mode of "providing for the aged by house" in Singapore and Britain, and puts forward some experiences and enlightenment for our country. In Wuhan, the aging degree of 421 families and "empty nesting" are increasing. Under the influence of the increasing gap of social security pension and the low pension level and the high price of old-age service products, the necessity of implementing the housing old-age model in Wuhan is becoming increasingly prominent, although Wuhan is in the policy environment and the scale of the financial market. The development of the real estate market and the willingness of the elderly to participate has provided the favorable conditions for the implementation of the old-age system based on housing, but the traditional concepts are bound and the supporting policies are not perfect. Because of the lack of relevant implementing institutions and the uncertainty brought about by potential economic risks, there are still some difficulties and risks in the implementation of the housing pension system in Wuhan. Wuhan should set up a government-oriented model of "providing for the aged with houses", adhere to the principles of public welfare and complementarity, set up relevant supporting institutions and supporting policies, provide diversified ways of providing for the aged by housing, and pay attention to the humanistic care for the elderly involved. Strengthen the risk prevention and management of housing pension model.
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