本文选题:财务报告透明度 切入点:投资者权益保护 出处:《河北经贸大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Investors' rights and interests are encroached on in our country's listed companies repeatedly prohibited.Under the background of emerging and transforming market, whether it is the strengthening of investor's rights and interests protection or the promotion of the sustainable development of capital market, the key is to improve the transparency of financial report.Whether there are differences between the transparency of financial reports and the protection of investors' rights and interests under the circumstances of separation of two rights and the integration of two rights, and how transparency of financial reports affects the protection of investors' rights and interests in the two different situations,And how to influence the results is the core content of this paper.This paper analyzes the connotation of the transparency of financial reports and the protection of investors' rights and interests, studies the relevant theories of investor's rights and interests protection, expounds the reasons why investors' rights and interests are infringed, and the ways of infringing investors' rights and interests.The theory demonstrates the difference of interest infringement and the mechanism that the transparency of financial report affects the protection of investors' rights and interests under the different circumstances of separation of two rights and the unity of two rights.This paper first constructs a comprehensive evaluation index system of financial report transparency, then according to the standard that the ownership of the company belongs to the largest shareholder or actual controller, and the management right belongs to the chairman or general manager.Two groups of samples are divided into two groups: separation of two rights and integration of two rights. The relevant data of Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies from 2011-2015 are selected. It is proved that there are differences in transparency of financial reports and protection of investors' rights and interests in the two groups of different samples.The paper further examines the impact of transparency of financial reports on the protection of investors' rights and interests of two groups of samples, and puts forward corresponding suggestions on the enhancement of transparency of financial reports and the strengthening of protection of investors' rights and interests in the light of the empirical results.The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) in a company with two separate powers, the transparency of financial reports can well constrain the interests of management, ease the agency problem between management and investors, and protect the rights and interests of investors.The transparency of financial statements has limited restrictions on the encroachment of large shareholders' interests, which is difficult to alleviate the agency problem between large shareholders and small and medium-sized investors, and to give full play to the role of protecting the rights and interests of small and medium-sized investors at this stage.No matter in the company where the two rights are separated or the two rights are combined, the financial report transparency can protect the investor's rights and interests mainly through the improvement of the corporate governance level, the investor's understanding and the administrative supervision and punishment are difficult to play the protective role.
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