本文选题:城投债 + 发行价差 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:China City Investment debt from 2008 began to issue a large number of 2015, the cumulative issuance of 5.898747 trillion yuan.With the gradual expansion of the city investment debt scale, its credit risk is also gradually accumulated. Under this background, it is of great significance to study the coupon interest rate and the issue price difference of the city debt.Based on the statistical analysis of 5601 city bonds issued by 29 provinces and cities in China from 2008 to 2015, it is found that the coupon rate of city investment bonds is affected by the administrative level, issuing method and budget revenue / GDP.The results of the study are as follows: 1) the coupon rate of provincial city bonds is lower than that of prefecture-level cities. (the coupon interest rate of public offering debt is lower than that of private equity debt.) the interest rate of city bonds in the areas with lower budget revenue and GDP is higher than that in the areas with higher budget revenue and GDP.After the theoretical analysis of the factors that affect the price difference of the city investment bond issuance, the empirical part of the article uses the weighted least square method and principal component analysis method to analyze the local state-owned enterprises, fixed interest rate, non-right, medium term.The unsecured city investment bond issue price difference carries on the model analysis.In the specific analysis process, because the new debt scale of the city is not considered in the previous relevant research, so according to the model whether to introduce "new debt scale / GDP", the article separately models and carries on the comparative analysis to the model result.In order to investigate whether this variable affects the city investment bond issue spread.The results of the specific model analysis are as follows: (1) the level of economic development is negatively correlated with the issue spread. (2) generally speaking, budget revenue / GDP is negatively correlated with the issue spread.But for those regions with lower budget revenue / GDP and those regions with higher budget revenue / GDP in Jiangsu Province, when they issue large amounts of bonds,The increase in budget revenue / GDP will also promote the expansion of the price gap) the higher the level of development of the financial market can reduce the spread in the issuance of urban bonds, but when the issuance of bonds is larger and the growth rate is higher,The increase of the efficiency of capital use (loan-to-deposit ratio) will lead to the expansion of the difference between the issuing price and the issuing price. The national policy will influence the issuance scale of city investment debt and then affect the price difference of city investment bond issuance.Under the influence of state policies, when the issuance scale of urban investment debt is large and the growth rate is high, the spread of the issue price will rise accordingly; conversely, the spread of the issuance price will reduce the market liquidity, external financing capacity and debt risk of the region.When the size of the city bond issue is small, the increase in the size of the new debt will lead to a decrease in the spread of the issue price. Conversely, the increase in the size of the new debt will contribute to the rise in the price difference between the issuance price. The increase in the size of the new debt will contribute to the increase in the price difference.Assets with low liquidity, such as prepaid accounts, differences in government financial support to financing platform companies, non-standard financial management of some companies, and investors paying more attention to the influence of factors such as regional economic strength and financial strength, etc.The relationship between corporate financial indexes such as current ratio, long-term debt ratio, asset-liability ratio and issue price difference is quite different from theoretical expectation.
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