[Abstract]:In executing large institutional transactions, our trading strategy must balance the waiting risk of delayed trading with the liquidation costs of fast trading. In this paper, we study the optimal liquidity problem under risk control. This paper is divided into three parts. Aiming at minimizing the risk and transaction cost, the dynamic liquidity and static liquidity of single asset are studied, and the dynamic situation of portfolio is also considered. In the first part by minimizing the exponential decay function of the income from a large asset we obtain a dynamic optimal liquidity strategy in which the attenuation constant measures the degree of risk aversion. Specifically speaking, the price impact function is given with the stock clearing quantity and the related sequence reflecting the market information as independent variables. By minimizing the exponential decay function of the return of all S stocks in time T, we obtain the optimal liquidity strategy associated with the correlation sequence. In some special cases, we can obtain an analytical expression. Then in the second part, we consider the dynamic realization of the portfolio. The price change of each asset is affected by the change of other asset prices, which has an important impact on the liquidation cost. In order to track the trajectory of price shocks more accurately, we divide them into two parts: long term and short term price shocks, and model them separately. Finally, we study the static liquidity of single assets. Given the long-term and short-term shock models, we obtain a static liquidity strategy by minimizing the combination of risk and transaction costs. For a simple linear cost function model, we construct an efficient boundary. For a given risk preference, the expected transaction cost at the efficient boundary is the minimum. In the process of constructing the model, we have carried out the simulation experiment at the same time, and compared the performance with the classical model of Bertsimas and Almgren. Compared with the former, our model has better control of risk and realization cost, and our model is more robust than the latter.
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