[Abstract]:The safety and stability of the banking industry is vital to a country's economic life. At present, the Basel Accord, as a guide to capital regulation, has been accepted by the global banking industry. Although the capital supervision of commercial banks in our country started late, it has been paying close attention to all aspects of the Basel Committee, and it is actively following the supervision idea put forward by the Basel Committee. In order to gradually improve the capital regulatory framework for commercial banks. However, most examples prove that capital supervision forces commercial banks to attach importance to risk control to ensure economic stability, and at the same time makes commercial banks have to contract loans in order to meet the standards, thus leading to economic recession in some countries. In the macro economy, the impact of loans of different maturities on the economy is different. Short-term loans have a short-term effect on economic growth, but they are easy to form inflation, and medium- and long-term loans can promote economic growth in the long run. At the same time, inflation has a certain inhibitory effect. In view of the different effects of different maturity loans on the economy, under the increasing pressure of capital adequacy ratio supervision, the study of capital adequacy ratio regulation in the process of affecting commercial banks loans, It is of great significance to the degree of influence of different term loans. Based on the previous literature, this paper mainly studies the influence of capital supervision on the term structure of loans from the perspective of financial supervision of commercial banks and the combination of theoretical analysis and empirical testing. In terms of theoretical analysis, from two aspects of information asymmetry theory and a theoretical analysis framework, the internal mechanism of capital adequacy supervision affecting bank loan behavior is investigated. In order to meet the requirements of capital supervision, banks should reduce the proportion of medium and long-term loans when they make loan allocation choices. Further empirical analysis is needed for the results of the premise of the relaxed theoretical analysis. In order to test the results of theoretical analysis, a linear regression model of panel data is established with 13 commercial banks in China from 2001 to 2012. Eviews6.0 is used to test the effect of capital adequacy ratio supervision on the term structure of bank credit. The main contents are as follows: (1) the influence of capital supervision on loan, medium and long term loans and the proportion of medium and long term loans are studied respectively. (2) four groups of agency variables of capital supervision are introduced from three angles. A more comprehensive simulation of capital supervision. The empirical results show that, in order to improve the current capital adequacy ratio, commercial banks will reduce the total amount of loans, but the decline of medium and long term loans is lower than that of total loans, that is, the sharp decline of loans depends more on the reduction of short-term loans. Finally, on the basis of the above analysis, the author puts forward some specific and feasible policy suggestions to the commercial banks and the government respectively, such as optimizing the credit term structure of commercial banks and changing the profit model of commercial banks. To improve the risk management ability of commercial banks, to improve the efficiency of supervision, to establish financing platform and to develop the effective supplementary channels of capital of commercial banks and so on.
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