本文选题:离职意向 切入点:挑战性-阻碍性压力源 出处:《陕西师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Employee turnover has always been the focus of attention of academia and enterprise managers.Among the factors affecting employee turnover, the source of work stress is one of the most important factors.When it comes to stressors, people tend to pay attention to its negative side. We always think that stressors have bad effects on employees' psychology and behavior, such as causing anxiety, inefficiency and even employee turnover.However, recent studies have shown that the effects of work stressors are not always bad, and that some of the stressors at work have a positive effect on the individual's work attitude.Therefore, on the basis of previous studies, this paper divides the work stressors into challenging stressors and obstructive stressors, and explores the influence mechanism of these two kinds of stressors on employee turnover intention.In addition, this study introduces the concept of core self-evaluation, from the perspective of individual differences to explore the role of core self-evaluation in challenging stressors, hindered stressors on employee turnover intention mechanism.In this study, a total of 396 employees were investigated by challenging and obstructing stressors scale, state-trait anxiety scale, organizational commitment scale, core self-evaluation scale and turnover intention scale.Using Spss16.0 and Amos17.0 to test the difference, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, construct the structural equation model, and finally get the following result: 1.There were significant differences in age, educational background, type of enterprise, working years, working position among the study variables, but there were no significant differences in sex and marital status. 2.As the source of challenging stress increases, employees' anxiety and organizational commitment will increase, and turnover intention will gradually decrease by .3.The challenging stressors not only affect employees' turnover intention through anxiety, organizational commitment, but also affect turnover intention by the chain intermediary of anxiety and organizational commitment.Core self-evaluation plays a regulatory role in the impact of challenging stressors on organizational commitment, but not in anxiety and turnover intention.The anxiety and turnover intention of the employees increased with the increase of the stress source, and the organizational commitment decreased gradually. 6.Through anxiety, organizational commitment indirectly affects employee turnover intention, but anxiety and organizational commitment do not exist in the chain intermediary effect.Core self-evaluation plays a regulatory role in the effects of obstructive stressors on anxiety and organizational commitment, but not on turnover intention.In summary, this study concludes that the challenging stressors and the obstructive stressors have different effects on employees' turnover intention.Moreover, the core self evaluation of employees has significant differences in regulating the effects of these two kinds of stressors on their own psychology and behavior.In order to reduce the employee turnover rate, the managers can increase the challenging stressors in the management, avoid the exertion of the obstructive stressors, and assign the tasks according to the individual differences.
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